Talent shows at the KH?

by skeeter1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    So, i know of a real talent show that took place at a Kingdumb Hall about 10 years ago. There was never another talent show. But, the JWs all loved it and still talk about it.

    Is there a "rule" or something in the elder's manual about this? Would it be not following the meeting script?

    Ever hear of this?


  • mrsjones5

    Yep, was in one at the Belmont CA congregation back in the early 80's. It was fun but the elderette who organized it was an angry bitch. Don't recall if there was ever another one Don't know if there was an unwritten rule to stop it.

  • cobaltcupcake

    I don't think there's any rule against it, except you don't want to brag or draw undue attention to yourself.

    I got to attend a "Family Night" at Watchtower Farm once. My brother produced and starred in a bit that was set to the music of "Pirates of Penzance" but was about the different types of Bethel service (commuter, temp, regular, etc). It was very clever.

    Another time he told a long funny story at Family Night, and the GB were sitting in the front row.

    If they do that at Bethel, then why not in a congregation?


    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • blondie

    There used to be a Family (talent) night every so often at the various Bethel locations in the KH attached there...do they still do that?

    Locally I never saw one at the KH, someone's basement, or rented place.

    Is it a large group

    Proper chaperones?

    Parents or Adults in good standing in charge willing to take responsibility for whatever happens bad

    *** km 9/95 p. 2 pars. 2-3 Do All Things for God’s Glory ***

    Organized Social Affairs: Whether we are “eating or drinking or doing anything else,” we should “do all things for God’s glory.” (1 Cor. 10:31-33) This counsel is not observed by some, and problems continue to develop because of social gatherings too large to be properly supervised. In some instances, hundreds of people are invited to elaborate functions where worldly entertainment is featured. Sometimes those attending are asked to pay admission or other fees. Such gatherings closely resemble worldly affairs, the spirit of which is out of harmony with decency and Bible principles.—Rom. 13:13, 14; Eph. 5:15-20.

    It has been reported that large numbers of Witnesses have gathered at rented facilities where the entertainment is unwholesome and worldly and where proper supervision is lacking. Similar activities advertised as a “Jehovah’s Witness” weekend have been held at hotels or resorts. Because of the difficulty in properly supervising such large groups, problems have developed. Rowdiness, overindulgence in alcoholic beverages, and even immorality have sometimes resulted. (Eph. 5:3, 4) Social gatherings where such conduct occurs do not honor Jehovah. Rather, they bring reproach upon the good name of the congregation and stumble others.—1 Cor. 10:23, 24, 29.

    *** w92 8/15 p. 19 par. 17 Social Entertainment—Enjoy the Benefits, Avoid the Snares ***

    Fine oversight of a social gathering includes its planning and preparation. This does not require devising a catchy theme to make it unique or memorable but which would imitate worldly parties, such as costume balls or masquerade parties. Can you imagine faithful Israelites in the Promised Land planning a party where all were to dress like pagans in Egypt or another land? Would they plan sensuous dancing or wild music that might be the rage among pagans? Back at Mount Sinai, they did get ensnared in music and dancing such as may have been current and popular in Egypt. We know how God and his mature servant Moses viewed that entertainment. (Exodus 32:5, 6, 17-19) Hence, the host or overseer of a social event should consider whether there will be any singing or dancing; and if so, he should be sure that it is consistent with Christian principles.—2 Corinthians 6:3.

  • blondie

    The ones organizing or sponsoring one take a great risk on themselves in anything should happen to make the elders look at it with a critical eye.

    Skating parties were cancelled around here in the early 80's as were costume parties and talent shows. Congregations could no longer sponsor picnics or baseball game. it had to be an individual jw willing to risk being to be disciplined if someone unbeknownst to them did someone "bad" before, during, or after the event. If someone came uninvited and they did not send them home...a reason for serious counsel.

    Few jws wanted to take the risk. They even tried to limit people invited to weddings/receptions.

    The WTS does suggest families doing Bible dramas at home. But limiting them to inviting may be one single person or couple or one family certainly not a "talent show." I wonder if there are any brave individuals today that have these shows or if they keep them quiet, secret, hidden?

  • snare&racket

    The uk bethel has a small music room for such events. Few are invited and they are very rare occasions now. Its a factory, not a funhouse (god bless you Pat Sharpe and those lovely twins.)

    I am sure there was notification from Bethel on any secular events in KH's as "Sing Songs" were popular once in the UK but were forbidden and dont happen now. I guess an elaborate Hendrix-esque, national anthem style solo in the middle of "Loyal Love" may give rise to the Devil to enter the KH.

  • SadElder

    I can't ever remeber anything other than JW business occurring in a KH. It would have been strictly forbidden anywhere I was associated. Not even a picnic table was allowed on the site. Dubland is terrified of lawsuits, so they would never "expose" themselves to the possibility of some thing happening during some pleasurable event.

    Got to attend a few family nights over the years, they gradually became boasting sessions with little to enjoy from our perspective.

    At one time branch dedications included performances of local music, etc. Heard that Ted "the boss" Jaracz was absolutely livid after a visit somewhere, and they put a stop of such "worldy" displays.

  • Pistoff

    Heard that Ted "the boss" Jaracz was absolutely livid after a visit somewhere, and they put a stop of such "worldy" displays.

    One more reason I am glad Ted has moved on to his reward.

    In our hall, we had 2 absolutely awesome talent shows; they still have them once in a while.

    Always better to have them and apologize after than to ask for permission.

  • blondie
    Always better to have them and apologize after than to ask for permission.

  • Nambo

    "Talent show" at the KH reminds me of the following.

    One Thursday night school a stunning young Sister walks along the aisle from the back of the hall to the platform, swaying in that certain way, with every Brothers eyes glued on her.

    Any what did the Brother announce her assignment to be?

    "Introduction aroused interest"

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