Atheist Book of Bible Stories

by crystlew123 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • crystlew123

    ok so I DL'd this book. and I immediatly began reading it. I am about 50 PDF pages into it. Oddly enough it is making so much sense. And I learne something I didnt even know. Two different people are credited with killing goliath! holy shit. Wtf? I even looked it up just to double check. In the NWT (just because I have it close by) It totally blew my mind. Along with the math and such on many different topics. AS A JW most people dont even THINK about those kinds of things, they just take it at face value.

    And the fact that multiple people died MANY times on seperate accounts and by different hands. like the egyptian horses. WOW!

    This is pretty amazing.

    Im not saying im a atheist. But Ive always had suspicions that the bible was just another story told by man and had nothing to do with god. this just deepens the theory. Still a lot of reading and studying to do but it really makes sense. Again, my eyes have been oopened.

  • crystlew123

    feel kinda wierd that my mind just got blown like this.

  • smmcroberts

    Yeah, I remember the first Bible contradiction I heard. I was astounded: there it was, undeniable in black and white. I said to myself, "This can't be; the GB told me there were no contradictions!" Yet there it was. Of course it was only the tip of the iceberg as I soon discovered. And the contradictions were the least of it: the real mind-blowing came when I realized what the Bible was actually all about: a petty, vain, cruel god of war worshipped by barbaric men who ran around committing atrocities while claiming their god told them it was okay!

    Eventually I reread the entire Bible for myself cover-to-cover and captured my findings in a book: The Cure for Fundamentalism which is free to read on my website.

  • braincleaned

    I love this thread. Completely relate to both of you!

  • jmorgan74

    feel kinda wierd that my mind just got blown like this.

    Dude. Seriously?

  • Heaven

    I've started reading this but haven't had the time to finish. I find it hilarious and well written. The issue is that we've all been lied to about the Bible, God, and all this religious crap so when you discover the real truth, it's rather stupifying, enlightening, and freeing all at the same time. It's kind of hard not to become an atheist once the blinders are off.

    Regarding the JWs, as a teenager I was told they were preaching to all the inhabitted Earth. I was able to do the math on that and it just didn't add up. It's like the Santa Claus story. It just ain't mathematically possible. Of course, it doesn't help that indigenous peoples are still being discovered. Like this remote Amazonian tribe found in 2008. I wonder what language the Asleep! and Botchtower ragazines et al need to be printed in for these people and just what sort of 'donations' they'll be able to give to 'God's Mouthpiece' in Brooklyn, NY Wallkill, NY (or wherever). I also wonder why they don't seem to be embarrased or ashamed by their nudity ( ):

    Remote Amazon Tribe

  • jemba

    This book was a huge eye opener for me. Not quite an athiest but it certainly put the bible into perspective. Its a good laugh, a shocker and finally helps you to see that the bible is a load of crap which is another step in releasing you mentally from the cult.

  • Sulla

    Since the Bible can't usefully be read the way ignorant fundamentalists read it, it must be that the Bible can't usefully be read at all!

    How did any of you fall of the JWs, keen wits that you have?

  • snare&racket

    "Im not saying im a atheist. But Ive always had suspicions that the bible was just another story told by man"

    Dawkins tells of a story where a famous woman's mother read she was an atheist in a newspaper article.

    "I dont mind you not believing in god, but an atheist!?" the mother asked her on the phone.

    The bible is flawed. The history behind the bible is enlightening and fills in all the gaps. Islam is based on the bible (read the Quaran). So what re your options? Zeus? Ra? Baal ?.......

    The idea of god is only widespread today because of the bible. Is there a creative force out there? Nobody can say for sure, but there does not seem to be any evidence for one so far.

    I had the same feelings when I first sat and read the bible, despite 15 years in the JW's and feeling I knew it well, I realised it was a foreign book to me. Even the famous stories.. so much was missing in my knowledge. Lot survived, his wife turned into a pillar of salt... thats where the story books stopped. But in the bible he went on to have drunken sex with his daughters. King david and bathsheba, their romp led to the death of a baby. King solomon and all his prostitutes.... The two accounts of creation in Genesis... even things like Moses being the supposed author of the first 5 books, yet he is clearly written about in the 3rd person. Even his death and events after it are noted! What about Jesus's lineage to David as recorded in the gospels... it starts with David and ends with Joseph..... BUT Joseph was not his father !

    One thing is for sure, the best way to stop believing in the bible, is to read it start to finish... garbage!


  • Sulla

    OK, I'll repeat myself. Why are you so dumb?

    Here's what I mean: do you suppose you are the first person to have discovered all that stuff in scripture? If lots of people smarter than you have been reading these books for thousands of years (assuming you allow the possibility that there exist people who have ever been smarter than you) and have somehow concluded that scripture is not all garbage, does it occur to you that they may have something useful to say about the subject? Or are you so taken with your own amazing smarts that you don't need to pause to consider that the civilization that thinks these works are worthwhile are really worthwhile?

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