Hassan's New Book: Chapter 2- What is Destructive Social Influence ?

by flipper 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper
  • flipper

    Sorry about that ! Hit the wrong button. In the 2nd chapter Hassan mentions on pg. 18 , " As employed by the most destructive cults, psychological influence seeks to disrupt an individuals identity - personal behavior, thoughts, emotions- and reconstruct it in the image of the leader . This is done by rigidly controlling the member's physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual life. Cult control is a social process that encourages obedience and conformity. It discourages autonomy and individuality. The group's dogma becomes the person's only concern. Anything or anyone that does not fit into this reshaped reality is irrelevant. " Sound pretty familiar ?

    Some of the things Steve Hassan mentions is Information Control. He states, " By compartmentalizing information, cults keep members from seeing the big picture. People are given only the information they are READY FOR, or as much as they NEED to know. Recruits who ask questions are told they are not mature enough yet to know the whole truth. Insider doctrines are reserved for people who are thoroughly indoctrinated. In this way, any assessment is delayed until the recruit's critical judgment is impaired. " This reminds me of how the WT society has two versions of the WT magazine. One soft pedal version they place with people in the door to door service which has flowery information , yet a harder hitting WT which inflicts disciplinary requirements on active JW's who are expected to conform.

    Hassan also mentions how cults block critical and negative points of view. Some cults, " forbid members to have access to non-cult materials such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet, while others have more subtle ways of controlling information. Some encourage members to use software that would automatically block access to Internet sites run by former members and critics.

    Hassan mentions how cults use Emotional control by guilting members and keeping them in fear by threats of alienation, shunning, or Armageddon. At the end of the chapter he gives the experience of the psychologist Flavil Yeakley who administered the Myers-Briggs personality test to 800 members of the Boston Church of Christ, a cult group led by Kip McKean. He had members fill out the test three times. they were told to : 1. Answer each question the way they would have before they joined the group. 2. Fill it out as present members of the group. 3. Fill it out projecting 5 years into the future. When Yeakley collected the data, he found that members varied widely in their personality types before they joined the group. In the second test, members were moving towards one personality type, which matched the projected personality of the cult leader. The third test showed an almost universal move toward the projected leader's personality type.

    Hassan states that this test shows cults createan unhealthy social pressure. It verified to Hassan that, " the exisitence of a cult identity that binds the authentic self is like a straightjacket. " Hassan continues, " it is essential that you recognize the differences between the pre-cult identity (before recruitement), the cult identity ( during membership ) , and the persons authentic self, which stays unchanged. EVEN people who are born into cults HAVE AN AUTHENTIC SELF that makes it possible to rescue people from cults many years, even decades after they join. When informed family and friends begin working as a team to educate their loved one about destructive influece, the cult identity and it's barriers will begin to crumble. "

    So- I just wanted to share this latest I read from Hassan's new book " Freedom of Mind ". I intend to implement some of these tactics to try to reach my JW family, especially my daughters. Any thoughts or comments on this information is greatly appreciated ! Thanks a bunch ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hi Flipper-

    It's interesting how an experiment, conducted in 1971, by Dr. Philip Zimbardo, was able to answer how ordinary German citizens willingly participated in genocide during WWII.

    Who could imagine how quickly his 21 volunteers would succumb to the environment created. They were vetted to be emotionally stable, mature and law-abiding student volunteers. Half would take on the role as prisoners and the other would take on the role as the guards. Dr. Zimbardo thought the entire experiment would take about 2 weeks and was alarmed that only after 6 days he had to put an end to it.

    The guards immediately took their roles seriously and were sadistic in their behaviour towards the prisoner. The prisoners, within days, had organized a rebellion.

    What surprised Zimbardo was the ease in which the guards were able to elicit sadistic behaviour and found it was contagious among them. And concluded that a person's identity depends on what role he is playing.

    I thought it was a good point that Hassan brought out : "that people tend to assume that they had acted because it was their own idea rather than because they had been influenced by outside sources. But social pyschology has demonstrated that everybody is deeply influenced by their environment. It is human nature to adopt what is perceived to be appropiate behavior."

    It reminds me of the influence of one's social upbringing in India with their caste system, the disregard for human rights of women in various countries around the globe and how religious teachings, when they become fanatical in their belief, ie; the role of suicide bombers, terrorists in general; thinking they are doing something for the greater for their God or their social status in a religion.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    (Flipper, I just saw your post.)

    psychological influence seeks to disrupt an individuals identity - personal behavior, thoughts, emotions- and reconstruct it in the image of the leader . This is done by rigidly controlling the member's physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual life. Cult control is a social process that encourages obedience and conformity. It discourages autonomy and individuality. Sound pretty familiar ?

    Yes. I think that everyone who has become or has been a JW can relate. I now recognize the incredible influence the WTS holds over their members and I recognize the power and influence they held over me. And currently, I'm watching the tight grip they have on "friends". I am watching helplessly, as a once gregarious and happy-go-lucky person is changing rapidly into a clone; full of pessimism, no longer the same person that they once were.

    Information Control.

    I was living on another planet. I really zoned out for so many years. Did I know when I was baptized that I was devoting myself to Jehovah and the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" in lieu of Jesus, the Son. Now I do. I didn't realize that only the "anointed" had Jesus as their mediator according to their teaching. Now I do. The WTS has made a habit of misquoting experts and scholars to prove their points and mislead the flock.

    And they don't allow any JW to read material that would disagree with the WTS viewpoint. So many doctrines hidden. So many rules and regulations. I don't remember exactly when I first heard about "The Secret Elders Manual", but I don't think it was more than 5 years ago.

    This reminds me of how the WT society has two versions of the WT magazine. One soft pedal version they place with people in the door to door service which has flowery information , yet a harder hitting WT which inflicts disciplinary requirements on active JW's who are expected to conform.

    Yes, that's a good observation. I agree. And really, the only purpose of having a separate WT for the preaching is to subtly lure new members.

    As for emotional control pertaining to WTS, they are very cunning with their fear tactics which seems to be a similar tactic among all cults.

    the experience of the psychologist Flavil Yeakley who administered the Myers-Briggs personality test to 800 members of the Boston Church of Christ, a cult group led by Kip McKean.

    I loved this experiment. All of the personality profiles by the 3rd test showed their similarities to the cult leader. And what I found intriguing, is when this test had been administered to people of mainstream religions, their results remained varied, as their authentic personalities were not supressed.

    the persons authentic self, which stays unchanged. EVEN people who are born into cults HAVE AN AUTHENTIC SELF that makes it possible to rescue people from cults many years, even decades after they join.

  • sizemik
    it is essential that you recognize the differences between the pre-cult identity (before recruitement), the cult identity ( during membership ) , and the persons authentic self, which stays unchanged. EVEN people who are born into cults HAVE AN AUTHENTIC SELF that makes it possible to rescue people from cults many years, even decades after they join. When informed family and friends begin working as a team to educate their loved one about destructive influece, the cult identity and it's barriers will begin to crumble. "

    These are very encouraging words for any new ex-JW, or those with family still trapped. It's reassuring that the authentic personality is not destroyed but dominated. The straightjacket analogy fits well. We are not changed essentially . . . just controlled.

    I'm convinced that understanding this principle is absolutely vital, on both a personal level, and when reaching out to others.

    From my own long-ago experience . . .

    I only had disfellowshipping fully explained shortly before I was baptised. While I was studying I was encouraged to question, and could express my views freely. The authentic personality was still relatively free at that time. Many unanswered questions remained unanswered, but with the benefit of hindsight, their significance was simply cleverly eroded. I learned to be "patient." The cult personality is carefully constructed over time in almost imperceptible degrees. The order and level of control is finely tuned . . . and progressively harder to resist.

    While the randomness of life may have taken me to different places . . . who knows where? I'm glad to know I'm still definitely me.

    Good thread.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Thanks Flipper, I enjoy your reviews.

    One quote especially struck a chord: "Even people who are born into cults have an authentic self that makes it possible to rescue people from cults many years, even decades after they join." My husband, TotallyADD was born into the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses; he did not "join" unless one considers baptism as joining. He was inculcated, pressured, coerced, threatened, from the time he was born. Still, underneath it all, in his mid fifties he began to awaken and began getting in touch with his authentic personalty. It has been quite a journey for both of us. Having lost his childhood to the cult, he wanted to experience celebrating Christmas, our birthdays, and other holidays. The joy that was lost to him before is immeasurable. He has taken an interest in politics. (I suspect it was there all along.) He registered to vote and plans to vote for the first time in this year's presidential election. We have explored some Protestant churches together. Last week we went to a Unitarian Universalist church. We both found this congregation open and welcoming.

    For me it was easier as I was agnostic before I joined the cult in my teens, and I have returned to my agnostic, atheist, secular humanist way of thinking.

    Even though we met while in the cult, married while in the cult, raised children while in the cult, we are surprisingly compatible in our way or thinking despite our vastly different upbringing.

    And Flipper, best of luck in reaching your JW family.

    Reopened Mind

  • 00DAD

    Flipper: EVEN people who are born into cults HAVE AN AUTHENTIC SELF

    Great quote. It's things like that which give me hope about my sons.

    BTW, you have a PM

  • flipper

    Hey, thanks for all the responses. I appreciate it. I feel this is a very important topic in which many of us who have exited the mind control cult Jehovah's Witnesses might stand to use more useful education in our TOTAL awareness of the methods all of these cults use to entrap and indictrinate and control our loved ones still inside the Witnesses . If we can make good use of putting into practice Steve Hassan's advice here - who knows what may happen ? We just may be able to help our JW loved ones escape this dangerous cult and save the rest of their lives from totally wasting away in a controlled state. Gonna give it my best effort- especially towards my daughters.

    RIP VAN WINKLE- Great observations by you ! Thanks ! I agree, Zimbardo's experiment was an absolute trip man ! To see how authoritative group thinking or mindset influenced these guards to be abusive with their power- it's no great stretch to see how WT leaders are manipulated by each other to abuse their power as well. Like yourself I watch feeling rather helpless as well as my remaining JW family continues on in this JW cult being duped by WT leaders false promises. All we can do is try to be authentic, loving humans who are there for them, yet- without triggering their cult phobias and scaring them . It's a real high wire balancing act for sure on our part. As you mentioned it is a comforting thought that our JW relatives have an authentic personality hiding underneath the cult personality. and THAT is the personality we need to access to be successful.

    SIZEMIK- I liked the " staightjacket " analogy that Hassan used as well. It's like our JW relatives are squeezed into and controlled by this cult straightjacket and it's like they have to shed this skin before the authentic , non-cult personality will creep out in the open again ! Pretty freaky. I agree with you that it's extremely vital for those of us who have exited the cult to understand this split personality situation so as to not take it personally or get offended to the extreme when our JW relatives act strangely. Essentially they are suffering from a mental condition- without being aware of it ! As you stated, the WT leaders gradually control us through stages, alomst imperceptible until like a frog in boiling water it was too late, we were trapped. It wasn't explained to me either how serious disfellowshipping was until right before I was baptized too as a young teenager years ago. They leave that stuff out until we are trapped !

    REOPENED MIND- That's really great that your hubby Totally ADD has been able to enjoy his authentic personality and open up to brave new world around him that he never had access to ! Good for him, and good for you too ! That's great that your relationship is still good in spite of him seeking religion and you being agnostic. Sounds like you two have adapted well to life after the JW cult. Good job. Thanks for the kind words about reaching my JW family. I'm gonna give it another try. What do I have to lose ? I mean, some of them already shun me ! What are they gonna do, double shun me ? LOL ! It's worth the effort !

    00DAD- I hold out hope for you with your sons like I hold out hope for my JW daughters my friend. If we can just try to implement Hassan's message here- perhaps things will gradually change for the better and we can save our adult children . I'm hopeful. I sent you a PM back about the message you sent. Thanks ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • scotoma

    The Bible Said it first: Bad associations spoil useful habits.

    It has been shown that parents have little influence on their children. They listen to their peers.

    I don't see anything unique about Watchtower control.

    All corporations have you sign non-disclosure forms. Organizations demand loyalty however they define it. Every group has a line that you can't cross.

    If you are truly independent most likely you are very alone maybe even schizophrenic.

    The real job is learning how to identify truth. That's where science can help.

  • Xanthippe

    Flipper great post. Do they really have two versions of the Watchtower ? One for the cong and one for field service? Sorry are you being literal or are you talking about the way it is put accross in the watchtower study? I've been out a long time and had no contact at all until I looked at this site a few weeks ago.

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