do you remember the Last assembly you attended?

by crystlew123 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ShirleyW

    It was sometime in the 1970's at the infamous Polo Grounds in NYC

    NN - You must've been at either Yankee Stadium or Shea Stadium, the Polo Grounds were looonnngg gone by the 70's.

  • aquagirl

    It was the mid 70'o.I remember reeeally bad food,screaming babies and smelly bathrooms.It was in a big highschool,and a friend and I found a closet up in the attic,and just hung out there and waited for it to be over.What a waste..As a young teen,I would much rather have been outdoors,in some forewst or beach with peers,playing in the sun...I seem to remember the babies always crying,no,SCREAMING!!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ShirleyW said, " NN - You must've been at either Yankee Stadium or Shea Stadium, the Polo Grounds were looonnngg gone by the 70's."

    Pardon me. my lapse is showing... probably it was the Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens then. My old mind fails me.

  • ShirleyW

    Or, it could've been Belmont Racetrack, when I was still going they used Belmont much more than Acqueduct. When the planes from JFK take off they fly directly over Acqueduct, imagine that noise every 5 minutes, so I think they've crossed that place off their list, same for Shea Stadium, which is right next to LaGuardia Airport.

  • clearpoison

    No memories, equally many memories of assemblies prior to that.


  • Magwitch

    D.C. 2006 Loveland, CO - The Budweiser Center. I sat and read The Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I knew I was done with the religion and the marriage.

  • NewYork44M

    My last assembly was at the Brooklyn assmbly hall (circa 2004). The one notable event was that I went up to one of the governing body (now dead) and talked with him for about five minutes.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yes I remember it was a circuit assembly in Romeoville ,IL. fall of 2005 .

    I was already lurking here and was waking up to the 'real'truth . I remember feeling very irritated the whole weekend as I looked around the hall at a bunch of unhappy robots that were going through the motions . A key point that comes to mind was that I purposely kept track of how many times Jesus was referenced to compared to the Annoited . It was shocking ! Jesus maybe twice the rest of the time it was the governing body or slave ,annoited .

    Another thing that made me angry was once again they were using the example of some young teenager giving up a scholarship to pioneer. He was prompted to say how his decision to pioneer was THE best choice he could make ....I leaned over and whispered to my husband, " Yeah lets see what he thinks about that decision in about twenty years !"

    I left that day knowing it was my last time .

    ***As a side note I recently found out from my son an interesting story about that day .....We had taken in a young Witness boy (19 or 20) that was not from our area ,but was trying to get out on his own . Our son had asked us to let this kid stay with us a couple of weeks that summer .We agreed and let him stay in our camper in the driveway for a week or two . (ended up he leeched off of us for about six months ! Ended up moving into the house when it got too cold ) Any ways back to that assembly day ....the young man had been out partying the whole night with some girls from town and had just crawled into bed when my husband came out to wake him to leave for the assembly ,we never had any idea....nice .

  • LisaRose

    It was late 90's. Cow palace, a dank, ugly facility. I remember a talk about service. The bro asked, are you regular in service? If not, why not? If you are regular in service, are you auxiliarry pioneering? If not, why not? If you auxiliary pioneer, can you regular pioneer? If not, why not.

    I just thought, what do they do to make the pioneers feel guilty? It was a low point for me. I just couldn't accept the constant guilt trips. I was tired of feeling guilty for never being good enough.

  • smiddy

    I really have no Idea , though it must have been about 1993/4 ? probably at Lang Park Brisbane,Qld.Aust.


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