Those Whom the Gods Would Destroy

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    An old Greek proverb

    "Those whom the Gods would destroy
    they first make mad"

    I've offered this stark prediction before
    and I emphasize it again.

    Jehovah's Witnesses will go insane.

    No, not every Witness, everywhere - but you will read
    more and more accounts of Witnesses and ex-Witnesses
    committing murder, suicide, terroristic threats,
    or other manifestations of mental illness.

    Why? because they have attracted a large number of
    mentally and emotionally ill people - and ,more importantly,
    their teachings encourage depression, alienation,
    and a child-like inability to cope with life's
    problems. The world is changing rapidly and the fact
    that "life is passing them by" will not go unnoticed.
    Their subculture of unearned superiority and self
    righteousness will slowly wilt in the face of the Watchtower's
    exposure - and the world's appreciation of compassion.

    They will continue to push Witnesses to put their lives
    - and problems - on hold in expectation of an Armaggedon
    that is always "soon". They will continue to preach
    an extreme and condemnatory view of people, that creates
    alienation. They will continue to preach conditional
    love while breaking up families and friendships.

    In short, the pressure will increase on a system that
    is already in trouble. You will hear of more tragedies
    like the Bryants. It's the sad fruitage of the stubborn
    death dealing Pharisees in control of weak, sick people.

    Those whom the Gods would destroy
    they first make mad


  • Fredhall


    Look in the mirror before you post something about people having mental problems.

  • metatron

    really, fred - this is advice - FROM YOU?


  • Solace

    Jesus love me,
    The bible tells me so!

  • Solace

    Its sad but I know what you say is very true.
    All J.W.s in my family abuse some form of substance.
    My J.W. mother has been on some sort of medication for anxiety, depression for as long as I can remember.
    My J.W. aunt who is a missionary is a very heavy drinker. I hardly ever see her without a drink in her hand.
    Other J.W. family members and friends also abuse alcohol, one being hospitalized, almost died of alcohol poisoning. My cousin who is adopted but inactive J.W. tried to commit suicide.

  • Fredhall


    Of course! Why? Because I have a mental problem.

  • DakotaRed

    Ain't it the truth, Met? In my current family, a JW wife and her three brats, all are on some sort of mood controlling drug. The two youngest, 15, and 16, girl and boy, have both ran away and even though returned, whether I like it or not, are still popping their pills to cope with life. The oldest, 17, and another girl, also on mood drugs, hates with a vengence, but expects me to cater her every whim.

    Currently, there is a 25 year old "brother" sniffing around her. I have come in and caught her, this 25 year old and her brother, alone, in her bedroom, alone in the house, lying to their Mom, saying she is going to someones house, only to discover she went hot tubbing with the 25 year old. But, according to all them, I am the one with all the problems. Yet, no doctor has seen fit to prescribe any medication for me except Lopressor, for high blood pressure.

    I guess the Watchtower encouragement of chaperones doesn't apply when you don't wish. Yet, when seeing their Mom, I was in my 40's, we were hounded by others to keep us "pure." LOL, didn't exactly work. However, just before marrying, the soon to be wife had a sudden attack of conscience and went to the elders to report that we had "petted."

    Of course, there was a Judicial Hearing. But, in their kind benevolence, we were only subjected to private reproof, after being grilled as to exactly how we petted and if either acheived orgasm. What I found ironic was that the soon to be's conscience didn't seem to bother her enough to report that we also engaged in a little bit of oral sex.

    With my blinders full on, I married anyways and started seeing the true light soon after. After a period of inactivity, I went ahead and DA'd, mostly to remove their ability to try to manipulate me by still being known as a dub.

    Since, I am lower than whale excrement in the eyes of the dubs, the wifes kids, sometimes even her, but am expected to continue providing for them materially, as needed.

    None of her monsters can be bothered with household chores, too busy. She does nothing to encourage them to do them either. They fight each other constantly, slamming doors on each other, not just in their faces, but when they are standing or have a hand in the door. So far, injuries have been minor. Their language is even stronger than I used while serving in Vietnam, but gets real clean when any dubs come over.

    For me, I overheard one saying they were moving out in May and am looking forward to the day. I have realized that the Watchtower has too strong a hold on the wife to pry her loose. She is also a weak minded one who wants others to do her thinking and blindly does as an elder tells her too. I seriously doubt this marriage can be saved and even if it could, am not too sure I would want to.

    As soon as she and her monsters do move out, then maybe my exit from the cultic arms of the Watchtower can be completed. If nothing else, it will allow me to finally get my house cleaned up and see my daughters and grandsons more often. (nonJWs)

    But yet, I am supposed to be the one with all the problems who will be slaughtered at Armegeddon. Go figure.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • new boy
    new boy

    met The wheeels are coming off, the system is all ready in decline the last assembly I went to last spring only 3 kids got baptized out of 1000 people! I'd bet 6-10 got DFed in the same period of time!

  • singsongboi

    there's a good deal of truth in what you say met.

    as the realisation sinks in, that they may have been seriously misled in a chronological sense, then there will be reactions.

    and it may not be a nice place to be when that happens.

  • Simon

    The constant effort of trying to reconcile the shakey belief system with wave after wave of facts that contradict them must put a big strain on people - cognative dissonance (I hope I got that right).

    Of course not everyone is going to go completely nuts but it would be better for the people at risk if things crumbled slowly and they got support to help them through than for it all to implode suddenly I think. Who knows how everything will pan out and what will be there in 30+ years time ?

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