Should gays be allowed to adopt?

by Kenneson 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    To Everyone:

    I watched an interesting program last night (I believe on Primetime), wherein Diane Sawyers interviewed Rosie O'Donnell.
    The topic centered on gays and adoption. Rosie recently came out of the closet in order to extend her support to Florida gays who are prohibited by law to adopt. Rosie, herself, has three children.
    Some of these gays, by the way, are foster parents. My questions are: Do heterosexuals make better parents? If they do, why are there so many children needing adoption? The majority come from heterosexual parents, not the opposite. Are gays born that way or do they choose to be gay? Is one's sexuality based on choice or preference? If it is learned behavior, can it be unlearned? Can
    an exclusive heterosexual become gay or vice versa? Would children reared by gays become gays? Why or why not?

  • Englishman

    I have friends who are gay, they are both very kind fella's, the sort who you would leave to babysit your children in total confidence.

    I personally, however, would say that not having kids as a consequence of being gay is simply nature being protective. No, I don't think a gay environment is good for children. For lots of reasons.


  • LB

    I think the best situation for a child is a home filled with love. That has to be at the top of the list. I also think the best possible home includes mom and dad. IF, the home has love in it.

    Love says it all. Can gays love? Of course they can and do.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I don't think people adopt children for sexual reasons, do they?

  • Naeblis

    Anyone who is able to provide what a child needs should be considered. Stating a child needs a mother and a father is all well and good, but they still let single people adopt children. This is simply old prejedice hiding behind concern for children.

  • joelbear

    Do heterosexuals make better parents?

    I believe the ideal setting for a child is a loving set of heterosexual parents. I think the healthiest environment for a child is a loving mother and a loving father. A child needs both forms of communication and nurturing that a man and woman parent are able to provide.

    In my personal experience, let me repeat, in my personal experience, I have not seen a homosexual adoptive situation that I was completely comfortable with. Something simply seems to be missing. I have seen both male/male and female/female parenting situations. While I believe that homosexual parents can provide a loving environment, its not the ideal arrangement.

    Having said that, I would add, that 2 loving homosexual parents are certainly better than an unloving heterosexual environment, or foster care or institutionalized environments for a child.

    If they do, why are there so many children needing adoption?

    I didn't realize that there were? I guess most parents want to adopt babies, leaving a lot of older kids in less than ideal situations.

    Are gays born that way or do they choose to be gay?

    As far as I know, no one has scientifically shown why some people are predominantly or exclusively homosexual. I personally believe that exclusively homosexual oriented men like myself are a very small minority, perhaps 2 to 3 percent of the population at most. There is another much larger minority ,10 - 15 percent of the male population, (I am clueless about lesbianism so won't address it) that really like male male sex even though they may primarily date women or be married to a woman. There is another group of men who have male male sex because female sex is not available for some reason. People choose to have homosexual sex for a variety of reasons. Some of us choose to have homosexual sex because we are exclusively oriented towards male/male sex. I fall in that category as do most of my friends.

    Is one's sexuality based on choice or preference?

    I can speak only for myself in saying that I never made a choice to be exclusively homosexually oriented. My homosexual feelings go back to early childhood as do those of most of my friends.

    If it is learned behavior, can it be unlearned?

    Where would you learn it? I know of no families, even homosexually headed family who want their children to be homosexual. I can't conceive of a father or mother teaching a child to be homosexual. It is not taught in school. The kids I grew up around despised homosexuality, they weren't interested in learning it or teaching it. Of course the politically correct person will say, I don't care if my child is gay or straight. I think that's silly. I would not want a child of mine to be homosexual. Its simply too difficult. This is my personal opinion so I may be projecting it inaccurately onto others.

    Can an exclusive heterosexual become gay or vice versa?

    Can an exclusive heterosexual engage in homosexual sex. Yes, they can shut their eyes and fantasize that it is Britney Spears performing oral sex on them when in reality it is Ernie their neighbor. Can an exclusive heterosexual become an exclusive homosexual? In my opinion, No and vice versa

    Would children reared by gays become gays? Why or why not?

    I don't know. I don't think children can think these things through properly which is why I don't think children should have sex of any kind. My recommendation is standard, that people should wait until they are 25 to have sex. I'm afraid having homosexual parents would simply be too disorienting socially for most children and so many of them would try to mimic their parents and end up quite confused.

    I think a better answer is to allow homosexuals to help families provide a safe and secure home for children by taking some of the pressure off of single parent or two parent families that are burdened psychologically, physically or mentally.


  • Almost There
    Almost There

    I watched the program and thought that it was stupid for the State of Florida to allow people to keep children as foster children, but then to deny them the opportunity to adopt.

    No, I don't think heterosexuals make better parents. If you noticed on that program, all of the children come from heterosexual households.

    I agree with LB the best place for children is a place of love.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    It was interesting to note from the program that almost 99% of the over 3,000 cases of kids being placed in foster homes, were from heterosexual other words the 'family' problems that put them in the system was from non-homosextual homes.

  • Englishman

    My Brother in Law was turned down for adopting kids because he and his wife were considered to be too wealthy.

    The agency said that the contrast in living standards would be too much for emotionally damaged kids to cope with.

    Years later they were accepted, but I think that they had become more capable also.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    oops...just read your post ALMOST THERE. Sorry to be redundent.

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