snake on bedroom floor when I got up this am!

by nuthouse escapee 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    If I could have a cat or dog, I would. I have asthma and am very allergic to animals, and the owners of the house don't want animals in the house anyway.

  • redvip2000

    This evidently happened because you stopped going to the meetings and satan is tempting you.

    Did you call the name Jehovah out loud 10 times and rolled up a watchtower to hit the snake on the head? ;)

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    I have been checking rooms and looking into possible hiding places with a flashlight. Then when done in the room I have blocked the crack under the door with a folded towel jammed under with a screwdriver. Still have a number of places to look (am stalling, can you tell?).

  • Quendi

    Leslie, I’m so sorry about your fright this morning. A snake in the house is definitely a cause for alarm. I think you’ve taken the proper precautions with stopping up the possible entrances and I hope this is a one-time only occurrence.

    One question I have is how is the weather now in southern Ontario? Is it turning noticeably cooler now that September is here? The reason I ask is if there has been a significant drop in temperatures, animals will often seek shelter in a building. Snakes being cold blooded animals would be particularly prone to coming indoors rather than seeking some place to literally hole up all winter outside.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Wow that would freek me out too! I don't mind snakes but in my bedroom!!! not cool. Well I guess that up does my rodent problem today.

    I have three cats that are good hunters so don't think about anything in the house. Nope as I was cleaning the stove a big mouse comes running out. Yup I screemed. It is now hiding under the fridge but I'm going to waite till the hubby gets home so he can either shoo it out the door or kill it....

    Try to get some sleep tonight

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    redvip2000, thank god I have been out long enough or that would have crossed my mind. No WT's handy only a newspaper.

    Quendi, yes it was very cool last couple of nights. 9c (not sure what that would be in F)

    I sealed all the holes last year because of mice. Spaces where pipes come in, bathroom, kitchen etc. are still sealed. I sealed all holes in the landlord's place downstairs as well. It was so hot and humid this summer that I had a floor model air conditioner running at night in the bedroom with the door shut. I know they don't like vibration so maybe that's why it wasn't in the bedroom before now. I am hoping this is a freakish one time thing.

  • jgnat

    There is a proven technique (it takes time) to transform the fear to manageable levels. The developer of the technique, Jeffrey M. Schwartz, has had clinical success with OCD. (I know you don't have OCD). The technique is called "mindfulness" and is described more fully in the attached article.

    Step 1: Relabel
    Step 2: Reattribute
    Step 3: Refocus
    Step 4: Revalue

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    JGNAT you have a PM.

  • jgnat

    Got it, NE. Success in your war with the garter snakes.

  • youngbro

    I hope you get the snake taken care of. By any chance were you playing with Sporlock?

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