Hooray- I have a pickup truck again!!

by moshe 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina


    Do you consider 18 - 19 mpg to be good gas mileage for a smallish truck??

    Zid - who used to own a Honda Accord Hatchback that would do 375 - 425 miles on 14 gallons of gas...

    That's around 26 mpg, I think

  • moshe

    I believe this truck was on a company maintenance schedule. The glove box is full of receipts for work done-- it appears that whenever it had a funny noise the boss man took it in for service. I have put 1000 miles on it an only used 1/2 quart of oil so far. There are quite a few vehicles on youtube with over 500,000 miles on them

  • eazy

    You never realize how many friends you have until you own a truck. You'll be a popular fella whenever somwone moves/needs to pick up a fridge etc!

    Congrats, that's a good looking truck. I'm driving a 2000 Volvo with 244,000 on the odo. Runs and drives like a dream.

  • moshe

    Zid, I know, 18mpg would be no good for a commuter vehicle. We have a Prius and a Fiat 500 in the garage, which one gets driven the most? The Fiat- it's a blast to drive- about 33 mpg mixed driving. We call the Prius our appliance car- any trip over 15 miles and for vacations, we take the Prius- for errands and fighting for a parking space at Walmart, the Fiat, hands down.

  • moshe
    You never realize how many friends you have until you own a truck

    You know what else brings out the buddies? a small backhoe- I owned a Ford 4000 tractor with a loader/backhoe on it 25 years ago and I was getting calls all the time- hey Moshe, ol buddy, can I borrow you backhoe for a few hours this weekend?

  • eazy

    I can only imagine!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    That looks sweet Moshe!

    After i killed my 25 year old tray top 'pick up' 3 weeks ago i bought my very first brand spankin new vehicle, a 'ute' as we call em here, fresh with just 24 km on the odometer.

    after years of driving high mileage rust buckets its a joy every time i hop in it!

    oh and it is amazing how much you use them once you get em eh?!


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