My take on current direction of WTBS

by Cagefighter 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cagefighter

    After keeping up with the changes and new practices of the "org" one thing seems clear to me: The WTBS is looking at getting out of the religion business. It seems running a worldwide religious organization is becoming too much of a legal liability especially when relying on uneducated and poorly trained men to run said organization. Look at the quagmire, the Catholic church suffered with the child abuse scandal and this was a much larger and educated group of people.

    That being said, I see the WTBS retreating back from being the head of the religion and moving back towards simply being a publishing company. Congo's will be encouraged to form conferences much like other denominations and elect their old leaders and organization. Some of the things I have read indicate this might already be happening.

    Ideally, I believe the WTBS wants to be in a position to where they just provide the books, magazines, and guides for the congos. Speaker's from Bethel will be available to the conference's actual convention meeting for a "nominal fee". The problem will be as these conferences (the size of circuits or districts) become more autonomous, what will happen when the WTBS changes doctrine again?

    My guess is some of these new mini-orgs will begin to break away from the teet of Brooklyn and start using other materials and abandoning some of the more rediciluous JW traditions like birthdays, blood transfusions, etc... Obviously some people and congos will see this as apostasy and flip to the next "conference" ASAP. In a last gasp to stay on top, the WTBS will shift more towards the center and try write more inspirational type literature and get away from the prognosticating and condemnation that make them famous.

    This of course will lead to more division in the GB and writing depts and no doubt many will leave. The result will probably be several smaller organizations many of which do not rely on a central source of literature and operate more like main stream churches do.

    Just my observations....

  • NomadSoul

    Not observations, speculations. I reallly doubt that would happen.

  • baltar447

    I doubt the GB could stomach giving up ANY control. They'd see it burned to the ground before that happened.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    What has happened already is that the GB has separated itself from the legal entity therefore they can maintain control of the congregations while releasing financial and legal liability from their corporation.

    That's what's happening now and will continue to become clearer - the money will flow to them as a publishing company (much as it is done today) however the legal liability shall rest with the locals. The GB will continue having a 'spiritual' connection with the local corporations and pull the cords for the local puppets but legally they will be able to claim they have nothing to do with it.

  • coffee_black

    I doubt the GB could stomach giving up ANY control. They'd see it burned to the ground before that happened.

    The GB is only a figurehead these days. The real power is now in the Legal Dept.


  • Gayle

    The organization has outgrown itself. In their beginning, they were just thinking of about 144,000 goal, their elect group. Then, the numbers outgrew that and so they had to invent a "great crowd" "other" 'slave' group. Members coming in had a lot children. The WTS organization has never been a religion for children and the GB has never had a sensitivity for them. Now it has grown worldwide. Now they have all these "races" too, which they have never really incorporated into their "inner" group, except for a 'token.'

    Now, they have the "legal" world to contend with, their pedo policy isssue and a lot more other legal issues.

    Now if people leave, or small groups leave, they truly don't care. They don't care if 2/3 of the youth leave either. The GB don't think to grow to 'serve' 'more' people. Now, if more people want to be their slave, obey, and contribute, then fine. Their way or no way.

    If the organization numbers decrease, they won't care. They have money enough to last them and plenty willing to serve their 'inner' group.

  • Cagefighter

    Nomadsoul- Thank you for the correction. Yes my speculations based on observations.

    Anony Mous- Exactly. We all know that you can't have your cake and eat it as well. If the WTBS is really legally seperating themselves from the individual congos, it is just a matter of time before the BOE's start thinking more independently. This could be a good thing.

    Gayle- I tend to agree with you. That is what my speculation is based on. They don't really need the control like they used to. I believe they would be content to write their magazines and sell them to the congos that remain "faithful" until everyone is in a nursing home.

  • Londo111

    It was a Cooperation that was never supposed to run past 1914, then 1925, then WWII, then 1975 nor did they expect the generation that saw 1914 to die off, or the "preaching work" to last past the end of the 20 th century. By 2015, over a 100 years will have past since 1914, 90 years since 1925, and 40 years since 1975. I believe if Russell were still alive, he would have long recanted his views.

  • mushroomfed

    A lot will depend on the identity of those actually benefitting financially from changes. Through the decades no one has ever believed that GB members or anyone associated with Bethel was being paid. Yet I, for one, can't believe so many have been so blinded as not to think skimming is taking place behind closed doors. Who would know? Publishers don't ask, they just stuff the boxes and leave what's left to the WBTS when they die. Insiders are thrown out if they question. Do all assume that such a corrupt organization is being run by truly honest leaders, donating their entire life for a cause without payment? Doubtful. There are likely Swiss banks and other shelters already set up by the greedy. If one believes the Bible, one of the highest, Judas, sold Christ for silver. Again, can we believe there does not exist pilfering of contributions today? Follow the money trail. That will be the basis of change. ... Some may even witness a "Shawshank Redemption" Who disagrees?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think they will live through the upcoming court cases. Legal maneuvering has already taken place to distance the money from anyone who could be held liable for monetary damages from any future problems. Perhaps the sell off in Brooklyn even has to do with bankrupting the corporation that can presently be held responsible. Which corp has filed for all the building permits and who owns the new "compound" for future World Headquarters? All this can perhaps be done by separating the WT Money Society from the WT Religious Society. The WT$S will have no employees, no representatives, no one that can bring liability upon it. It will just be a holding company that has all the assets, renting buildings to the WT Religious Society. The WTRS will be broke, but manage and direct all the people -- COs DOs Bethelites -- and give all the directions to the Congregations. Anybody screws up? No problem. The is NO money. No lawyer will take a case if there is no profit to be had. Only the poor bastard who screwed up is left out to hang. If you are an Elder, YOU will be at risk if you make an errors. YOU better shelter your assets or they will be what is at risk.

    Just my take.


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