Is the Daily Text being phased out?

by Quarterback 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    What's going on with this? The brother taking the group can't mention it. It now is tuck away in silence.

    Do you think that the GB is trying to phase the printing of this book?

  • konceptual99

    Doubt it's been phased out. Still pushed at the assemblies as part of daily family worship. The FS thing is so the FS meeting is more directed towards how to get people to actually take the literature.

    As it's on the CD rom and can be downloaded I can beleive it may become an electronic only publication.

  • jwfacts

    I havn't heard of it and doubt it. The daily piece of indoctrination is one of the leaderships strongest tools in cult 101.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Was just announced in the meeting to start placing orders for 2013 ES

  • 3dogs1husband

    NO ONE wants to go out in service including the guy taking the group...and he would rather sit there for 20 -30 mins dissusing the

  • MrFreeze

    How else are you supposed to be indoctrinated every day?

  • OnTheWayOut

    It has been many many years, at least a decade, since they asked that the Daily Text not be read at Meetings for Recruiting. The general idea was that unless it was directly related to recruiting (what they call "field service") then the time was better spent organizing groups and maybe even demonstrating the best sales presentations to enrich Watchtower.

    Those meetings would tend to go 20 minutes and more when they discussed the text. What was really happening was that members were late for that meeting and starting on time with organizing the groups never worked as you would have to accomodate those that arrived 20 minutes late. So there would inevitably be additional wasted time changing the arrangement after latecomers showed up. The easiest thing to do was ramble on for 20 minutes about the daily text before organizing whoever finally showed up. WTS probably figured that out and wanted the organizer to say that "Mother" told us to get right to the field and sell the product, so y'all just better show up on time.

  • Calebs Airplane
  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane


    What I wanted to say was that the Daily Text was eliminated so that no one can claim that any kind of "WORSHIP" was taking place in a private home in areas where there is a requirement to pay for a special permit to use a private home for worship...

    The daily text was eliminated in FS for the same reason the Book Study was eliminated... Those pesky permits!!!

  • DaCheech

    the official stance is to get people out to service in a fast and timely manner (unless the daily text is very service directed).

    so 99% of the time it will not be read

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