Apostasy Trial - Part 2 - Satan is Using Google

by berrygerry 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Lieu

    I simply wouldn't answer any of their questions. If they inquired about my lack of answers, I would say that I was a footstep follower of Christ. He felt no need to answer his unjust accusers and neither do I.

  • TD

    Funny how we don't accuse our friend of that.

    I wouldn't be one of them. An impartial record (stenographic, recording, etc.) of a judicial proceeding is a right recognized by even some of the more miserable third world countries. Therefore I don't fault JW's for resorting to subterfuge given the fact that they are denied it.

  • Vidiot

    Forget "good cop, bad cop".


    At this point in the game, we're at "dumb cop, crazy cop".

  • thedepressedsoul

    Great, now they're going to ban Google as the works of the Devil.

    I have a feeling "apostate" is going to be a big talk/Watchtower Study Edition topic in the years ahead. I'll be hearing the word "Apostate" more than the word "soon".

  • Vidiot

    "The Apostates are coming.......... soon!"

  • berrygerry
    With all of the apostasty and lawsuits, I'm surprised that they haven't declared that the GT hasn't officially started.
  • zeb

    at 1646 of Malawi and the political party card situation.

    Brother "They had to refuse the cards"

    Elder "They didnt want to"

    brother."They were told by the Branch"

    Elder." These individuals didnt want to buy them themselves".

    I would like that elder to go to Africa and say to the bros and sisters who were dispossessed of their homes suffered mob violence at its worst that it was because they "didnt want to buy them themselves".

    I wonder what the brothers and sisters in Malawi would say to this mans arrogance and perversion of fact.

    When brother raised the change it baptism rules replacing "in the name of Jesus Christ" with "in the name of the spirit directed organization" it was denied.

    Perhaps to us is the overall tragedy that the brother attempted to reason with these men who refused to take his written evidence before them had closed minds just like the pharisees of old. the message is enjoy your life and give glory to god through Christ in doing so.

    do not try to 'convert' the wts.

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