Be Wise My Son and Make My Heart Rejoice!

by Perry 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • SoulJah

    Automobile exaust anyone?
    technicaly they should live in a bubble,and be no part of this world

    One day we'll all be together,until then I'm ready for whatever
    ---Tupac Shakur

  • Amazing

    Good one again Perry, regarding Gluttony. In all the years of special talks on improper conduct, I remember only one about gluttony. Three Elders and their wives went out on the town eating and drinking ... and going to another restaurant to eat more and drink more. Someone got disturbed about it and a less than overweight Elder met with them, and they agreed to a special talk to counsel them and warn the whole congregation about the evil gluttony.

    In Bible times, Romans were known to eat and drink a lot, then gag themselves so they could eat more. This is what I believe gluttony was really about ... so, I suppose if a JW were to become 'anorexic' then the WTS might have some new pharisaical legislation to think about.

    Yep ... you made good points ... gluttony is not normally talked about among JWs ... and even alcohol abuse is not unless someone becomes a serious and regular drunkard.

  • Perry

    Exactly Amazing:

    From some of the congregations I've been to, no one would have been qualified to give the talk.

    I do agree with your take on gluttony too. Overweight does not equal glutton.

  • JT


    I am force to give you the "Damn Fool" Award smile

    I showed this to 2 guys here in the Server room and they fell out after i explained to them that this "Type" of dogma is given to JW on a Regualar basis

    they just love looking in on the ways and views of JW

    It is simply amazing to watch the reaction on folks faces when they see some of the goofy stuff that jw believe

    due to most beliefs system not requiring ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE

    they have a hard time grasping that their are belief systems that shaft folks like the jw




    Are you sure you never worked at Bethel in the Writing Dept

  • Dutchie

    PERRY - When was that commentary written?

    When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion. Abraham Lincoln

  • Dutchie

    Oh, I'm an idiot! I'm so gullible, but you wrote it so convincingly. Very funny!

    When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion. Abraham Lincoln

  • 2SYN

    LOL! Good one!

    Questions from Readers: In a recent Watchtower, it was mentioned that we must 'control our thoughts'. I was wondering how a mature Christian could control his/her thoughts efficiently?

    Answer: Dear Reader, it has come to our attention here in BORGlyn that some brothers have recent decided to 'think for themselves'. We do not advocate the use of your entire mind at all, since we are a completely power-mad bunch of despots preying on weak-minded people. 'Thinking for yourself' is clearly condemned in Genesis, where Lot's daughter decided to 'think for herself' by turning her head in a direction she had been forbidden to rotate it in, and was subsequently blasted with God's magic Salt Ray. Only people who want to get turned into giant salt blocks for tanning leather with would want to think for themselves, after all, as the Bible says, "We must not be forsaking the gathering of ourselves together". This means that if you don't attend meetings often enough, we will send the Thought Police to wander around behind you as you go about your daily life. This loving arrangement by the FDS ensures that you are always so nervous about not randomly underlining bits of the Watchtower with a marker ten minutes before you leave for the meeting that you actually read the material. This bone dry and very uplifting 'food at the right time' differs from the 'milk of the world', in that we kill the cow to provide it, instead of merely squeezing it's udder repeatedly, therefore you must read your Watchtower at least ONCE before going to the Sunday meeting, and once again if you are a Bethelite for the Monday night meetings.

    Some have been noted as saying that we are a mind control cult, but it is apparent in the Scriptures that we are NOT, because Paul clearly stated that those people should 'remove the bale from their own eye' before criticising our perfect, uncorruptable Society, or the FDS. Be careful what you think, or else the Smurfs will invade your mind and make you stop selling our books, which would be a horrible disfellowshipping offense.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Perry

    2SYN wrote:

    Some have been noted as saying that we are a mind control cult, but it is apparent in the Scriptures that we are NOT

    Isn't it funny how they always attribute what they want to say as a way of saying it?

    Thanks for your post.

  • Perry


    Glad I could break up the day at your office with some comic relief :-)

  • Perry

    Not to worry Duchie. Weren't we all?

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