That Yummy Blood

by metatron 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    "Considering the semen reference, I'm surprised the GB didn't equate eating DQ ice cream with oral sex!"

    ROFLMAO!!!! Too funny!

  • TR

    Oh Jezuz Herbert Chrizt! The frickin' WT and it's stupid quackery.

    I remember going to Canada for an assembly one year. We went out to a pizza place and the bros warned us not to eat the friggin' pepperoni. How much damn blood could be in pepperoni after it's cooked? I mean, Christ! There's gotta be more blood in a well done steak!


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • SixofNine

    SUSCARRA, you might want to reread what you thought you read as it doesn't say what you thought it said.

    I'd hate to see this show up in my inbox told as a "scary fact" type urban legend six months from now.

  • LDH

    Yes, TR--yer right. The Canada-pepperoni-blood thing reached the height of fervor around the mid-80's.

    We all sat around and talked about the vast conspiracy against JWs, LOL.

    And in New York it wasn't Mars bars, it was Nestle Crunch, which I'm sure it was in Minnesota too because PLH remembered this on another thread.


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