Personal Qualifications Report - Interesting notes on this one...

by MC RubberMallet 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Blue Pill - What years were you in service?

    Rebel 8 - I have met many many more stiff mannered Co's, DO's, bethelites, etc. than down to earth brothers. It would seem stiff mannered is a necessary quality. How many publisher's have to hold their tongue around such ones?

  • MC RubberMallet
  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Bible teach book Chapter 18, paragraph 24 - Remember, too, that you have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, not to a work, a cause, other humans, or an organization.

    I love seeing that lie from the Bible teach book highlighted in red. I always emphasized that part to my Bible students, which is why it gets under my skin. Anything you want to do in the organization, ANYTHING, is based on the exact opposite. You want to get baptized, become a pioneer, ministerial servant, elder, bethelite, traveling overseer, SAD or CA speaker, or even carry a freakin mic, you HAVE to show you are dedicated to a work, a cause (Preaching work, averaging what the elders think you should be getting, and be effective at recruiting more recruits), other humans (The GB and any brother who has to write a recommendation for you) and the organization. If you slack in any other those areas, you won't get to do squat. So that statement is a boldface LIE! And this is one of the many apps that prove it....

  • BluePill2

    McRubberMallet: I "served" for 6 years in the Service Department of a Branch Office. I would rather not prefer to say in which one, not because of myself (I don't care what "they" think - I'm disassociated) but there are people that work "undercover" or are "closet apostates" (even attending branch schools etc.) and I don't want to "rat them out" with too many details. I can share a couple of fun stories, but still have to be careful because of them.

  • Quarterback

    I don't believe that this exists.

  • sir82

    Wow, I've never seen one of those - ever even knew such a thing existed.

    It appears to be a CO form.

    COs would have far more intereseting material than plain old BOE letters and such. Does your source have other CO forms available for our perusal?

    I don't understand question 9 - if the form is used to evaluate pioneers, why is there a place to recommend that the person being evaluated serve as a pioneer? Isn't he already doing so?

  • A question
    A question

    Inter'sting form.

    BluePill2 - you have a PM.

  • JeffT

    question 7 is interesting. I would think that being a legal resident of the country in which you live to be a basic requirement for doing ANYTHING. What happened to "rendering to Ceasar" and all of that? Don't they specifically state that following the law is required as long as it doesn't conflict with the Bible?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think the WT forms get increasingly wordy to try to stop some of the earlier problems. It actually happened with at least 2 couples I knew of that the local congregations had written glowing comments on their Gilead Applications because the local hall was hoping to get rid of them forever to some distant country. And I knew the paper trail of one total lazy-ass "son of an elder" bethel applicant that got a glowing report from his home congregation, not because he was really any good. They wanted Bethel to take him off their hands and try to get him to grow up. Like Bethel was the army or something that would make a man out him.

    Forms like this really won't improve the quality of WT leadership. They don't really want people with either brains or hearts.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I never was a JW, but this (and many other similar examples) remind me of a long time ago when, as a small child, I loved playing 'libraries' or 'offices'. In other words, writing nonsense on small bits of paper, and a rubber date-stamp could keep me happy for hours.

    Do some people in the appropriate departments at Bethels have a collection of jealously-guarded rubber stamps which only they are allowed to use (under the direction of their god, of course)? Does promotion include the issue of another, more exclusive, rubber-stamp or (perhaps the ultimate) being allowed to write comments on forms in a different colour ink?

    Enquiring minds need to know!

    (ETA:) It should always be remembered that in any organisation the primary purpose of a memo or report is to protect the sender rather than inform the recipient. I bet right now in the 'new light' of Candace the legal eagles are working overtime reviewing all this stuff.

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