Not a bad little hangout!

by Yadirf 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • CoolBreeze

    Yadirf, so your father was a drunk eh? That explayins a lot of your posts. Being raised by an alcoholic makes many people seek out and maintain high control groups because they are looking for a fathere figure. So what was the physical pain he "used" the alcohol to treat, the DT's?

    BTW since your tounge is not in your cheek, where should I send that breath mint? After all, those shit sandwiches you've been fed in due season must have left you with some awfull breath.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    We do not take our leaders seriously if they
    don't dress in suits and live in nice houses.
    Can you see the president living in a track home
    and dressing casual while doing his job?
    We expect our leaders to look and live their best.
    The witnesses are allways in awe at how polished
    Bethel is. Do polished floors do the work?


  • Danielson


  • detective

    Yadirf said:

    Rutherford, due to his fearless outspokenness in condemning Christendom and the Devil's political system, was a most unpopular person in the world's eye.

    Yes yadirf, the world was all atwitter over Rutherford.

    Detective (imitating the rest of the world circa 1920s):

    "Rutherford who?!?"

    Delusions (of somebody else's) grandeur, yadirf?

    Teejay, I will gladly accept your vote anyday! As a sign of my gratitude you can be chief of (enter title of choice). Mind you, I can't be bought! However, as they say...flattery gets you everywhere!!

  • plmkrzy

    I'm just too damn tired to really study the entire thread;) but I wanted to coment on one qoute if it's ok with the board.

    "heavenly Ghettos. "

    BWAaaHaaaaa! OH my that's funny.LOLOL

    edited for an extra smile

  • TR


    Why not NY Bethel, the Stanley Theatre, or WT Farms?


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

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