What if we could bring down the WBTS?

by derangedjdub 40 Replies latest social entertainment

  • millie210

    Ive been wishing on a star each night.

    Based on all the stupid decisions the Org is making lately, I think my plan is working...

  • Saintbertholdt

    ...where they would go if it all came crashing down.

    Well I'd immediately try to fill the void. I'd change my name to L. Ron Russell and start Jehovah's Scientists (Watchtower Scientology). I would let the faithful go door to door to rid people of body Thetans. I'd get a big boat and torture my pioneer slave crew who signed the Trillion year contract. All the while counting my billions... life would be sweet.

  • Hairtrigger

    That would be Armegeddon for the dubs! damn ! and no paradise to show for it?

    But don't hold your breath folks. Schwartzenegger has a better chance of becoming President .

  • snugglebunny

    I wouldn't want to bring them down. It would just set up splinter units. I'd like them to change their policies re blood and disfellowshipping, though I do believe they now regret ever putting them into place.

    Get rid of the blood thing, the disfellowshipping thing and the 2-witness rule and i wouldn't have any more reason to quarrel with them. Apart from denying education, spoiling Christmas and messing up relationships generally!

  • sloppyjoe2
    As someone already brought up, they already believe that they WILL be brought down. So them getting brought down would just make them meet in basements and private homes, self fulfilling their doctrine, making them even more devout. Even when armageddon didn't come like it was supposed to, they would just form new opinions and doctrines to explain it. They would probably become a full fledged religion 50 years after it was brought down with all new doctrines and ideas.
  • sloppyjoe2
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Just ask yourself if you can bring down another similar religion like the Mormons. The answer, of course, would be no.

    Once a religion passes a critical level of a certain number of members it becomes self perpetuating. Should there be a serious crisis or schism there would be enough leaders to maintain a sect or a surviving remnant of the faithful.

    During the Rutherford purges up to three quarters of the Bible Students (JWs) left and the hard core remained. Some of those splinter groups still remain up to this day. Smaller, milder and quieter.

  • joe134cd
    I don't think so much of a crash but more of just a slow decline. I remember at assemblies that it was noticeable that there was an absence of 18-30 year old. Most of the ones I grew up with are now gone. The converts that are coming in I believe are not to the standard to take it to the next generation. The elderly and infirm section at the assemblies was growing by a few rows each year and very soon these ones will start dying. Even I must admit the older generation JW I knew in my youth are either gone or just to old to care. Then you have got the free flow of information which is certainly having its effect in 1st world countries. True the organisation is still growing in developing countries but the question is, can this be sustained and is it affordable in the long term. I think there are clear signs that money is now becoming an issue. I've heard it said that apostasy will not be the end of Wt but apathy from with in will. Yes it is rotting from the inside.
  • joe134cd
    Just to add to my above post. Mormons are also experiencing the same problems and issues that the Wt now faces.

    Ok. Let's think this through, shall we? I have been an ignorant dub, and a semi-born again XIAN. NOTHING that I can do will change the stupidity of the masses. There will ALWAYS be ignorant sycophants in the human race.

    So what if I knuckled down and worked my up the JW ranks? Here is my list of qualifications:

    1) Intelligent

    2) Attractive

    3) Charismatic

    4) Literate in the true sense of the word.

    5) Perceptive ( related to intelligence, i.e, I can skim a court document and give you the gist of it in a few minutes.)

    6) Partaker...

    What if I went "all in" and advanced to the point of GB member??? It wouldn't matter, that which is crooked cannot be made straight. There is no fixing it, there is no bringing it down.

    Only and actual "Advent" or alien arrival will change anything swiftly. The reality is that humanity has always contained dummies, and it always will. There is a sucker born every "generation", LOL!!!

    We can't bring down the BORG. We can help individuals see TTATT. We are limited by our own lifetime and the mass ignorance of religiousity. If you have family, then try to help them. If they refuse to listen to reality's call, then live YOUR life.


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