Favorite food at Assemblies

by finnrot 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting
    that was when we were first introduced to the bizzare concept of coleslaw ON BBQ sandwiches.....eeeeeeuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwww....that so totally grossed us out! What are ya'll thinking?????? - xena

    LOL! That's the way a lot of southerners eat bbq sandwiches. I'm a misplaced yankee - I still have my slaw on the side.

    My favorite food from the early 80's - cherry pie. Man......it was good. Other than that.....pretty much the pits in general.

    When I married my husband in 1980, he was raised on assembly food from birth - so a tad tired of it. We always took our kids and ate out if at all possible. He also disliked the assemblies, so we always arrived back late. In retrospect, I think he was on to something, eh?


  • Xander

    I am there with you on the burritos Seeker! lol and the cheap lime sodas bring back a lot of memories!

    Damn straight! I *loved* those burritos. And the cheese danishes, too. The cheap lime soda + cold roast beef sandwich wasn't bad, either.

    Oh, then flirting like mad with the girls for the lunch hour (as that was the only time they seemed to approve of JW-boys and JW-girls associating! [8>])

    That's why I left the org, after all. No more convention food. That was it - the last straw. I mean, people dying because of the blood issue, child molesting, WTBTS joining the UN...who cares about all that. I just couldn't take the lack of convention food. [8>][8>]

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • Farkel

    My favorite food at the district assemblies was the "spiritual" food.

    (Unfortunately, I nearly died from food poisoning.)


  • TheStar

    I was babtized in 1996, never got to have any of that good food. :(
    I was lied to and was also ripped off while I was being lied to?

  • JBean

    I remember the days where we'd have fresh chef salads and for dessert: Ice cream sundaes!!! Yes, those days are long gone... now everyone gets to schlep their own food and drinks... or go out to eat and never make it back for the second half of the session!!!

  • Scully

    I used to like the frozen vanilla or chocolate pudding.

    I don't think they intended for it to freeze, but they would store it in the refrigeration room overnight and it would become quite solid by the next morning. The trick was to get it in the morning at breakfast time so it would still be frozen, if you got it at lunchtime, it would be all soupy and watery, unlike anything that resembled pudding at all.

    Love, Scully

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    My favorite food was the cardboard pizza.

    Does anyone remember when they switched from Shasta to Vess???
    Vess dubbed themselves the 'Billion bubble beverage' and they bragged that their soda had 'No cholesterol'.

    Um, can anyone show me a soda that HAS cholesterol???

  • cecil

    I don't know if it can be considered food, but - in Denmark we had light-beer at the DA for many years (until 7 or 8 years ago).

    Those were the days...


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