Drug Used to Seduce Men

by WildTurkey 8 Replies latest social humour

  • WildTurkey

    Drug Used to Seduce Men

    Men, please read this if you go to bars or clubs:
    Guys, be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from a girl. There is a drug called "beer", that is essentially in liquid form.

    The most effective varieties are being shipped in from other countries. "Beer" is now being used by female sexual predators at parties to convince their male victims to have sex with them.

    The shocking statistic is that this "beer" is available virtually anywhere! All girls have to do is buy a beer or two for almost any guy and simply ask the guy home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are literally rendered helpless against such attacks. Please! Forward this to every man you know... There is safety in numbers...

  • peaceloveharmony

    bwahahaahahahha good one wild turkey :)

  • messenger

    I feel so violated....

  • Solace

    There is also one called (H20).
    Comes in many forms, I even heard if there is high humidity, men lose all control.

  • Joyzabel

    lol, WT, yep it seduced many a men for me! ;-)

  • blindfool

    I understand that beer also affects mens eye sight.
    From what I've been told, the more beer a man drinks, the prettier the ladies become.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Thank god I only drink vodka when I'm out. Whew!!! Thanks for the warning.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Bless your little Irish heart and every other little Irish part.

  • openminded

    I feel so dirty when a girl buys me a beer and then undresses me with her eye's. I think I'm gonna go take a shower. ;) -om

  • peaceloveharmony

    om, will ya email me please?

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