Just had a blow up with jw mom and she said the bible referenced angels being called gods, it that true?

by Question_Mans_interpretation 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Question_Mans_interpretation

    long story short my mom was acting weird, snubbing me, when I tried bringing her grandkids to see her, so I tried again and this time I just went up and hugged her since she wouldn't hug me or acknowledge any affection. When I released her I immediately saw her annoyed look and asked what? Bang, she unleashes a floodgate of how she's still mad at me for going to another church that believes the trinity. She doesn't understand how I turned my back on her teachings, after all she taught me "the truth" (eye roll). The trinity is wrong and why do I believe in it.

    For one I don't believe the trinity but have serious questions on the witnesses reasoning and I tried telling her but she was just going off. So I asked her "According to the witness bible in John 1:1 it calls Jesus "a god" in the beginning, so I ask how is that possible when you teach according to the bible that there is only one true god. Is Jesus a true God or a false god? She was a little stumped and tried to say there is only one almighty god(still just one God, though) and then fires off that the bible calls angels gods, and I was like, what!?!? It doesn't say that. anyone out there hear this before

  • fulano
    Yes she is right.
  • cofty
    Psalm 8 I think
  • Question_Mans_interpretation
    Can you give me the scriptural reference? I know it calls them sons of God which is a little different.
  • Question_Mans_interpretation
    Ok psalms 8 says godlike not gods, thats still a little different and no what im looking for. If angels are God's to me that denotes they are entitled to worship
  • Terry

    It is an unprofitable argument in every way possible. Better not to fight that battle or die on that hill. Nothing to be gained at all.

    A more fundamental and foundational problem hasn't been addressed: the Bible itself.

    That too is not an argument to have because it is not going to get you anywhere either.

    Facts are not at issue--only CLAIMS and loyalty to who makes the claims, you see.

    You may as well try to 'prove' to a Democrat what a Republican believes and vice-versa.

    You may as well get a Palestinian to agree to Israeli claims about the Promised Land.

    Your Mom plays for a different TEAM than you do.

    The anger is over TEAM SPIRIT, loyalty and being a fan. (i.e. 'fanatic)

    Step back and step away.

    Don't get sucked into these word wars. Rise above.

    The Christian Church has fought against itself all through history by dividing into opinions thought to be

    correct. Pointing out there are 40,000 Christian Denominations, all trying love God and Praise Jesus while

    refusing to grant their fellow 'brothers and sisters' the possibility of honest intent, is more to the central problem.

    LOVE is really pretty important and the failure to feel it or practice it because of stubborn opinion mongering is a symptom of spiritual poverty.

    Does a starving child matter more or less than an opinion about the individual definition of a transcendent God's modality? Why do I ask? Would your mom refuse to feed a hungry child who believed in the Trinity?

    Yes, it is THAT STUPID to even make an issue of it. Love is all that matters.

  • Question_Mans_interpretation
    Actually I do think my mom would be that unloving. She is indoctrinated through and through. She wouldn't even hug me back today, this whole belief system means more to her than anything else. Cultitude is strong with this one.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    They are referring to scriptures in which one of the patriarchs is being addressed to by angels and then the word "Lord" (Jehovah) is substituted in place of "angels".

    One example is found in Genesis 18:1-13 where the scripture starts out by referring to angels having a conversation with Abraham then ends up referring to "Lord" (Jehovah) as if God were speaking to him directly.

  • sowhatnow

    I think somewhere in the letters to one of the congregations, there is a reference to angel worship.

    perhaps she might be encouraged to show you all those scriptural references to these 'angelic stories'.

    when i ask my mom to show me the scriptures she never does. she forgets our conversations by the next hour.

    also would it make any difference if point out to her that not only do you not believe in a trinity, you also don't believe a lot of things that the book called the bible has in it, especially theirs, because its been imperfect men who have translated and copied the bible for centuries. If God was so able to preserve his word, then there would be only one bible. the fact that men keep rewriting it should be a red flag.

    after al,l if the watchtower organization was correct in the first place they would have no reason to re do their bible translation would they? it would have been perfectly understandable from the get go, since they apparently were approved by Jesus 100 years ago. we don't fix it if its not broke right? lol

    gee, maybe instead of that argument ask her where it is in the scriptures where its acceptable and normal for a mother to shun her own child what example is she teaching her grandchildren? what must they think of her behavior? is that what she wants them to remember of her when her time is up?

    she is displaying no natural affection which is part of unrighteousness . family is gods arrangement, so if hes condoning tearing it apart by way of religious disagreements, hes contradicting himself. hmm scriptures anyone?

  • Simon

    "In the beginning, gods created the heavens and the earth"

    The word elohim often translated as "god" (singular) usually meant "gods". Meh, something like that anyway.


    The whole "The word was with god and the word was [a] god" also means that Jesus was a god if Jesus is "the word". Of course they added the "a" ...

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