Are some better off not knowing the truth of the truth?

by EndofMysteries 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I say that if this guy is happy with the JWs, let him stay with it. Often destroying one's faith can end with depression and cynicism, so unless you have something better to replace it with, let him stay where well enough's alone. You certainly don't want him backsliding into what he was. That said, he still sounds dangerous. I watch enough of the ID Channel that I'm amazed how casually people kill and maime. Sounds like he's a good guy to avoid.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Rvw said:

    "That's the only life she has known. Imagine the shame and burden of all those "What if" questions. And how distraught they would be to know they disowned their own flesh and and gave their blood, sweat and tears for just mere men of the GB. Devastating."

    Yeah, imagine if she had to finally realize all the pain she played a role in for her entire life, the poor dear! Maybe lifelong elderly KKK members and bigots should be excused for their actions, since they would have to consider the damage and hurt they caused? Some of you want to have your cake and eat it, letting individuals off the hook, not realizing an organization is MADE UP of individuals who willingly participate.... Personal accountability HAS to enter the picture, or the group-think dynamics perpetuate.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    KSol-" Maybe lifelong elderly KKK members and bigots should be excused for their actions, since they would have to consider the damage and hurt they caused?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't understand your line of reasoning on this matter, KS _________________________________________________________________________________ Does any JW think or believe they are in a cult? KKK members know exactly what their membership and message is about. The only link I can see is that both groups have been indoctrinated. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, KS I will agree with you that everyone should be accountable for their behaviors and actions, but life is not always fair, is it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW-what kind of cake did you have in mind?

  • Sulla

    Is a person better off knowing truth or believing a lie? Depends on what you think the proper end for a human being is, I suppose.

    If you are a materialist, then comfortable lies make the most sense. If you are a revanchist like King Solomon then their own well-being isn't a factor in the question because you don't give a shit about that. If you think the proper end of a human being is truth, then you've answered the question. Individuals may decide against knowing, but that becomes a moral failing -- mitigated by all sorts of factors.

    So, no. no one is better off not knowing the truth about the JWs.

  • Fernando

    An already significantly dysfunctional personality, plus religion - a really bad mix, and a worry.

    I pray for you to be granted wisdom to know what to say and do if anything...

    Greetings, blessings and peace for you and yours


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon


    Does any JW think or believe they are in a cult? KKK members know exactly what their membership and message is about. The only link I can see is that both groups have been indoctrinated. Soooo, you don't think there are kids raised in White Supremacist families who simply go with the belief system they were raised in? Wow, you've got a lot to learn about high-control groups and brain-washing, if you don't. People don't even need to consciously understand how the dynamics work in order to apply them. People largely adopt whatever beliefs they were raised in, and parrot the words they've learned, without considering what they're saying. That's the ENTIRE POINT of parenting: socialization, learning the rules of social behavior to be able to function successfully as an adult within one's environment. Some are able to use it to raise free-thinking offspring who are able to adapt to any environment, whereas others raise robot images of themselves that only are able to function within a selective environment (whether White supremacist group, or a KH). Whether any JW believes or understands the role they play in supporting a cult doesn't change the FACT that they DID support an organization that harms individuals by engaging in cruel practices, such as shunning of their own minor children. If you were a JW, you need to come to terms with having once played that role. In Alcoholics Anonymous terminology, it's called making amends for post offenses when you were in a diseased state of mind. And denial of playing the role is NOT dealing with it, or coming to terms with it. BTW, racist rhetoric is NOT about thinking, but FEELING, which is an emotional response (whether it's FEELING love, or FEELING hatred). It's the same dynamic which fuels Xians who FEEL the love of Jesus inside of themselves, etc. It's not a logical response...

  • Ucantnome

    : Are some better off not knowing the truth of the truth?

    Before I came across this site I would have said no. Now I think some are better off not knowing.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


    Apostatethunder asked- "Would you prefer not to know it if you were them?"

    I responded ............

    " If I were her, no. Not at the end of my life. No friends. No social life. Then ,what?"

    KSol - regarding my statement-

    "Does any JW think or believe they are in a cult? KKK members know exactly what their membership and message is about. The only link I can see is that both groups have been indoctrinated." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me briefly clarify- I was speaking in regards to an adult who decides for themselves- not their children. In the context I was speaking, it was specifically referring to the 80 y.o. sister, who at the age of approx 30 , accepted the beliefs of the JW's. In that scenario, where her entire life has been spent believing, my answer is still "NO". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you speak about children, I don't disagree with your line of reasoning. But, that was not applicable to the scenario I referred to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a note- everyone has a certain amount of bias in what they believe, KSol. Including you. ---------------------------- EDIT NOTE: MY POSTS ARE BENG REFORMATTED. I am using breaks to keep the statement in the format it was written.

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