I'm back! Did you miss me? - YOSEMITE REVIEW

by 00DAD 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scott77

    "...It wasn't just the number of people attempting the clime, but the kind of people climbing that added to our discomfort. There were hugely obese, out-of-shape people attempting a strenuous hike that they were clearly not in condition to make. There were men and women wearing flip-flop sandals instead of appropriate hiking shoes, or even tennis shoes!.."

    LOL at 00DAD for the above description. Now, I get the idea how you felt. It must have been a 'spoiler' kind of. May be those obese people were trying to lose weight.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome back DADIO! Everyone here missed you terribly.

    Crowds of obnoxious American tourists. Yuck!

    One Hungarian Love Goddess... um, what tourists?

  • wasblind

    Yup !!!!

  • BroMac

    i liked looking across to the half dome? (i think that is the name of it). there was a nice big water fall which was a nice spot.

    hope you enjoyed my highlights of my trip to Yoze - Mite

  • leavingwt

    Welcome back!

    I visited Yosemite in the late 90's with some JWs living in Fresno. The natural beauty there is breath-taking.

  • 00DAD

    Hey all, thanks for your comments!

    Here's the first pic (more to follow):

    Glacier Point overlooking Yosemite Valley

    Here's one of My Hungarian Goddess looking out over the Yosemite Valley from Glacier Point. Don't worry it's only 3,200 feet (980 m) above the valley floor! (Actual elevation is 7,214 feet above sea level)

  • jamiebowers

    Beautiful! Thanks!

  • 00DAD

    Here's me, 00DAD, at the same spot!

  • cedars

    Amazing pics 00DAD, and it's great to have you back!!


  • 00DAD

    A close up of Half Dome from Glacier Point.

    If you look really close (zoom in) you can see people on the top!

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