"the campaign" movie

by fakesmile 20 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jamiebowers
    It was a car. It wasn't yours, yet you thought threatening violence was the appropriate answer. You were the agressor and bully in that situation. In that situation, if you had said that to me, my answer would have been "Feel free to try". I don't respond well to bullies or threats.

    Yes, it was a car...a car that didn't belong to the jerk who was leaning on it despite the owner asking him not to do so. Chances are good that a threat of violence is the only thing that would get through to a punk like that. Unlike you, however, he realized that it wasn't worth getting his ass whipped.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "if you like will farrell you will like this movie"

    I'm thinking it would be a fun movie to watch at home with friends... and beer.

    "comments, debates? i am open"

    I was a nerd with a nice car. No debate from me.

  • smiddy

    To me Will Ferrell is like Adam Sandler a few hits & a lot of misses


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "a few hits & a lot of misses"

    ...and adjust your beer intake accordingly.

  • kurtbethel

    I usually come down on the side of discouraging someone from unwanted touching of someones person or stuff, with varying degrees of lattitude based on relations, severity and relative size.

    And I can't stand Will Ferrel. So unfunny.

  • EntirelyPossible

    EntirelyPossible, So you're sticking up for the douchy jock that was scratching the working kids car?

    Of course not. I am pointing out that the person complaining about bullies threatened someone he didn't know with violence about someone leaning on a car that wasn't his and belonged to someone he didn't know. And I am saying that is a 1 way ticket to getting his ass kicked if tried that with someone that doesn't put up with shit like that. As the person threatening violence, he is the agressor in the eyes of the law.

    And let's don't exaggerate the story. No one said the car was getting scratched, that was brought up as a possible side effect, but didn't actually happen.

    i adjusted his attitude, its that simple.

    It's not. In the eyes of the law, you committed assault when you did that. You threatened violence against someone. I am not saying the guy wasn't a douche, but you went WAY over the line. You should be aware that the next time you do that, if you get pepper sprayed in the face, you'll be the one in jail for committing assault.

    Yes, it was a car...a car that didn't belong to the jerk who was leaning on it despite the owner asking him not to do so. Chances are good that a threat of violence is the only thing that would get through to a punk like that. Unlike you, however, he realized that it wasn't worth getting his ass whipped.

    Seriously, blah blah blah is all I saw when I read this. Good job on making assumptions and deciding threats are the way to deal with the crime against humanity of leaning against a car.

    Despite fantasies of violence and ass kickings going on around here that seem more common than a 13 year old boy having wet dreams, the response was wholly inappropriate to situation.

  • jamiebowers


    Seriously, blah blah blah is all I saw when I read this. Good job on making assumptions and deciding threats are the way to deal with the crime against humanity of leaning against a car.
    Despite fantasies of violence and ass kickings going on around here that seem more common than a 13 year old boy having wet dreams, the response was wholly inappropriate to situation.

    It's too bad you weren't there, because apparently you would've flawlessly handled the situation. After all, you've done such a fabulous job taking Fakesmile's story and yourself way too seriously.

  • EntirelyPossible

    apparently you would've flawlessly handled the situation


    you've done such a fabulous job

    I know. Thanks.

    Fakesmile's story and yourself way too seriously

    What can I say, bullies that brag about threatening people and think they are the hero by using a wholly innappropriate response to someone not bothering them or hurting anyone else kinda grates on me.

    I am utterly awesome that way.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Just so everyone knows how this super nice guy responded to me via PM, I'll go ahead and post it here....

    "with respect to your point of view, i was assertivly letting the kid know his behavior was being observed and not to be tolerated. if you had obviously disrespected the owners polite request than we would have had the same discussion. as a person who has had nice cars vandalised i have no respect for that s#!t. and as to how you would have reacted to my "request" i would have choked you out and let all those nerdy kids kick the crap out of you and take ur shoes. this is texas. dont disrespect in texas. peace"

    I'll respond publicly.

    You committed assault with your threat of violence to someone that wasn't bothering you or hurting other. Boneheaded move. Legally, that makes you trhe agressor, if the guy had beat you silly or pepper sprayed your face, he would have been totally in the clear. When called out on your bonehaded move, you resort to more threats and a vague "don't disrespect texas". I don't disrespect Texas, in case you hadn't noticed. In fact, I go there quite a bit and have many friends there, just not bullies that like to play internet tough guy.

    As you your empty threat towards me, well, what can I say, I don't really worry about people that have to play internet tough guy and threaten from the safety of a computer.

  • undercover

    A movie about douches and cars and assault sounds like more fun than a lame Will Farrell movie...

    Y'all keep working on that script...

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