Email from my grandmother yesterday.

by elder-schmelder 63 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jemba

    Wow what a predicament ES sorry you have to face this. Good luck with what ever you choose to do.

    This is a very unfair situation she has put you in. When I was 15 my parents made me choose between a roof over my head and the cult, I had to leave. It was hard but I stuck to my guns, no one was forcing their religion on me. In your situation it may be easier to pretend to concede a little, your livelihood is at stake.

  • flipper

    ELDER-SCHMELDER- I'm so sorry that your grandmother wrote you this horrid communication. To " cut you out of the will " ? That's disgusting. Please know and be aware that you have friends here who care. Count me among them. Hang in there my friend. If you ever want to talk just PM me

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Some good thoughts here.

    Be sure and save all your email correspondence.

    Given her poisonous spirit, she is very likely to threaten something illegally in connection with your employment. I would push the envelope and draw out her poison.

    When you have enough evidence use the good law of the land to teach her who has greater authority and that common decency will triumph over Jehovah every time.

    Best of luck.

    The Oracle.

  • jamiebowers

    This is terrible, but enough outrage. Quickly and quietly start looking for another job or a way to start your own business. Keep copies of all correspondance with her about your current position. If she fires you, sue her. You'd win if the firing was over religion. Then she may not have anything to leave anyone if she wants to keep her business up and running.

    I know the emotional part of this is devastating, but you have to go into survival mode now. My jw ex-husband tried to hold our home over my head by refusing to sell it, rent it out, or buy me out. He lost all power over me whe I told him he could have it. You should've seen the look on his face. Granted, I lost out on thousands of dollars and lost most of my possessions, but I was free!

    Thankfully you won't have to go this route, because although your grandmother is acting badly, at least she's not threatening to kill you. Time and the law is on your side as far as your job is concerned. Imagine the freedom you'd have if you completely got away from her.

  • steve2

    Weigh up whether you want to pour your considerable energy into reciprocal screwing her or into carving out a new, independent life for yourself, free from her nasty shadow.


    JW Grandma says..

    Your Gonna Die at Armageddon Anyway..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Balaamsass

    I would speak to an attorney. If she fires may end up owning the family which point you can display your Heretical christian spirit in allowing her to work for you.

  • ozbrad

    Main Entry: unconditional love
    Part of Speech: n
    Definition: affection with no limits or conditions; complete love
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    It should come as no surprise that JWs share conditional love with their families, as they're learning from the example of YHWH and Jesus, who love humanity with quite a few conditions attached. That IS love, JW-style.

    About Shawn's case, defo keep the correspondence as he's got a strong case form EEOD wrongful discharge based on religious discrimination if it came to that, but its doubtful the judgment would be as large as suggested (i.e. handing him the keys to the family business). The handwriting is on the wall, so time to fall back on Plan B rather than waiting for the other shoe to fall....

    Freedom sometimes isn't free....

  • dreamgolfer

    IF you want to come work for me, I will put you in MY WILL!

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