New Light on Blood Fractions

by The Searcher 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wasblind

    Hello there Blondie,

    I don't know if this is the latest,

    " Should Christians accept therapies incorporating blood fractions? The Bible does not give specific details , so each one must make his own conscientious decision before God."________ (2008 ) Keep yourselves in God's love Book page 215

    Also I must add For comparison :

    " ( Therefore the eating of blood is equated with idolitry and fornication, things that we should not want to do.)"_________Reasoning Book page 71

    " Similarly, any food to which whole blood or even some blood fraction has been added should not be eaten."_______Reasoning book page 71

    Question: Are Jehovah's Witnesses ( now ) allowed to conscientiously do a ( fraction ) of a sinful thing without disfellowship ?

    which includes idolitry and fornication ?

    " Jehovah's witnesses base all of their beliefs, their standards for the conduct, and organizational procedures on the bible."________Reasoning book page 203

    Blondie, If you can post a printout of that Aug 2006 Awake on what the WTS say about blood fractions I'd appreciated it . I'm unable to scan anything. Pages 11-12

    Bottom line: As long as this crazy cult consider transfusions of whole blood an out right sin,

    the WTS look even crazier for tellin' the flock they can do a piece of this sin


  • wasblind

    That's OK Blondie, I see where Marvin has the 2006 Awake mentioned

    Also I misunderstood on what you were askin' for , sorry

  • Dunk

    I gave blood today in LA.


  • maccauk11

    God forgave soldiers for eating food with the blood in it because they were starving. It is the eating of the blood that is fobidden not saving lives.

  • maccauk11

    God forgave soldiers for eating food with the blood in it because they were starving. It is the eating of the blood that is fobidden not saving lives. God requires mercy not sacrifice

  • oldlightnewshite

    So would you get DF if you had Red cell fractions, white cell fractions, plasma fractions and platelet fractions together in a nice kinda frothy milkshake dripfeed?

    Just curious.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    I'm looking for the Watchtower quote whereby parents who allow their children to be transfused are disfellowshipped and lose the prospect of eternal life. Anybody?

  • james_woods

    I answered it on the other old blood thread you pulled up.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    I answered it on the other old blood thread you pulled up.

    Thank you, though one would think it is their official policy to hold the parents accountable in print.

    Here is another one. When the WTS says that accepting blood fractions is a matter of conscience, are they still continuing to teach that it violates God's law nonetheless, but that's just between you and God?

  • james_woods

    Like I said in the other thread - it is all a play to avoid liability on the WTBTS part by keeping the plain facts about this out of print.

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