Blondie's Comments You Won't Hear at the 07-22-2012 WT Study (TIMES & SEASONS)

by blondie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    Babylonian armies destroyed Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., and Jews from Judah were indeed deported to Babylon.

    Can’t believe they mentioned 607; if anyone googles that date, the game is over.

    Easy for them to say while the GB, Corp and Attys has everything handed to them on a Silver Platter

    Yep, even got their heads handed to them in the Candace Conti case.

    Print that page for the best short review of the 6 different official meanings of generation from WT’s beginning until the most recent.

    Awesome review blondie!

  • BluesBrother

    The WTS perform a very clever "bait and switch" kind of fallacious reasoning here.....

    Of course the many many waverers are not doubting God - He who created the "times and seasons"- lots of our members still profess a great faith in God and Jesus ...BUT, the dischord, the faith we have lost, is with the WTS themselves as being valid interpreters and teachers of his word.

    This is designed to make you feel guilty about wondering what has gone wrong with it all .

    par 4) "Yes, the Great Timekeeper is all-wise and all-powerful. We can have faith that he is able to accomplish what he wills!"

    Yes, but do you know the timetable????

    par18) " While we have not been given all the details and the exact time when this will occur, we do know that at just the right time, Christ will do away with God’s enemies,"

    Is it the "exact time" that we are concerned about? The WT seems to say that 'O K , we are a teensy weensy bit adrift, what do you expect?'.

    Is it the "exact" time - to be still waiting almost one hundred years after they say Christ returned invisibly...?

    Classic par 20) "With God there is not a variation of the turning of a shadow, His timetable is not governed by human means [paraphrase now] Jehovah is eternal, therefore show a waiting attitude"

    O K ,time means nothing to God, but it does to us, and a real message from God would take that into account. God would know that to us humans "soon" does not mean 133 years of WT publishing !

    The only rational conclusion is that from Deuteronomy 18:21

    "And in case you should say in your heart: “How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?” 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him.’

  • scotoma

    Following the Watchtower is like watching one of Tim Kring's science fiction dramas (Heroes, Touch etc.) There are no plot rules. You are subjected to whatever plot is hatched from week to week. And lately, with Freddy DEAD and GONE, it seems to be written by a committee that learned to write while playing Croquet in the Court of the Queen of Hearts.

  • Jankyn

    Can the average or even long-time jw explain 607 to 1914 let alone how to prove 29 c.e. was the right year. I know, 40 years around jws that stumbled and “believed” without “understanding.”

    And they bet their life and the lives of the children on that ignorance.

    This ^ is one of the most profoundly moving things I've read in a long time. Thank you, Blondie. That gets to the crux of it. My parents could never explain the "chronology" - they referred to it as one of the "deep things" that was "beyond" them. And yet they believed what others told them, eventually sacrificing their entire family.

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