Why do people pretend good things about Jesus ?

by mP 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    NC, people who suffer do find strength in God and Christ. Sometimes He is their only faith and hope. Some people do not allow them to have or keep that faith or hope... but that does not change that when they had faith in Him, they also had strength and hope and comfort.

  • cofty

    I'm talking about 250 000 years of human suffering Tammy, not the stuff we see now on our TVs that we can maybe do something about.

    As usual you ignore the hard questions with platitudes

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Just because they want it to be true...does not make it so. But if people need this delusion to inspire them to be loving and help....go for it.

    Sad...but I guess some people don't know how to be loving without an imaginary god guiding them....still thinking

    So judgmental....tec

    Really? how so? Can people be loving without a god? What need for god then?

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Sometimes He is their only faith and hope. Some people do not allow them to have or keep that faith or hope... but that does not change that when they had faith in Him, they also had strength and hope and comfort.

    I'm noticing a pattern in gods helping ways......they are all things we can give ourselves and give credit to god for giving us....nothing tangeable.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    NC...praise Jah for giving that woman faith and hope and comfort.....and for healing her black eye.

    Maybe next time he can save her from being beaten in the first place....nah....faith and hope...thats the ticket!

  • tec

    That was man too, NC. The only thing you are proving with your pics is how man can be so evil and inhuman to his fellow man.

    Really? how so? Can people be loving without a god? What need for god then?

    People are different... with different needs.

    Christ came for the lost.

    He also said that it was not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

    Of course, perhaps one of the reasons some of those people were lost or sick to begin with was because of the ones who teach lies about Christ and God. Because once they heard and knew (and recognized) the Truth... they turned to Him. So perhaps had they not had the love beaten out of them, they would not have needed someone to show them what love IS.

    Then there are others who just don't know better, so they listen to Christ, because they trust in who HE is.

    So is it sad that such people as these have someone who loves them enough to teach and lead them?



  • mP


    Christians claim jesus was god or gods perfect son and did miracle's upto and including turining water into wine. Ceaser is claimed to simply have been a man.


    Not quite many caesars claimed many miracles.


    laws of Nero, especially those relating to treason . While in Egypt he visited the Temple of Serapis , where reportedly he experienced a vision . Later he was confronted by two labourers who were convinced that he possessed a divine power that could work miracles .



    At least three Nero imposters emerged leading rebellions. The first, who sang and played the cithara or lyre and whose face was similar to that of the dead emperor, appeared in 69 during the reign of Vitellius. [5] During the reign of Titus(c 79-81) there was another impostor who appeared in Asia and also sang to the accompaniment of the lyre and looked like Nero but he, too, was exposed [6] . Twenty years after Nero's death, during the reign of Domitian, there was a third pretender. Supported by the Parthians, who hardly could be persuaded to give him up [7] , the matter almost came to war. [8]

    Some bible scholars see the description of the wounding and healing of the Beast in Revelation 13:3 and the mention of the eighth king who is also one of the earlier seven kings in Revelation 17:8-11 as allusions to the Nero redivivus legend. [9]

    Apparently it was not too hard to make stuff up inthe ancient word...

  • mP


    That was man too, NC. The only thing you are proving with your pics is how man can be so evil and inhuman to his fellow man.

    Really? how so? Can people be loving without a god? What need for god then?

    People are different... with different needs.

    Christ came for the lost.

    He also said that it was not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

    Of course, perhaps one of the reasons some of those people were lost or sick to begin with was because of the ones who teach lies about Christ and God. Because once they heard and knew (and recognized) the Truth... they turned to Him. So perhaps had they not had the love beaten out of them, they would not have needed someone to show them what love IS.

    Then there are others who just don't know better, so they listen to Christ, because they trust in who HE is.

    So is it sad that such people as these have someone who loves them enough to teach and lead them?



    Thats utter crap, how is a person living in Australia or the Americas supposed to know about jesus opinions. How exactly does knowing Jesus loves you help a starving family ? Jesus himself didnt even try to preach outside of Jersualem and Gallilee, with minor detours. He said he only came to "save" the jews. He wasnt very effective was he ?


  • still thinking
    still thinking
    So is it sad that such people as these have someone who loves them enough to teach and lead them?...tec

    I thought I was clear that I thought it was sad that people needed an imaginary god to show them how to be loving.

    Of course, perhaps one of the reasons some of those people were lost or sick to begin with was because of the ones who teach lies about Christ and God...tec

    Now this is judgemental...who is lying? And how are they sick because of these so called lies?

  • NewChapter

    That was man too, NC. The only thing you are proving with your pics is how man can be so evil and inhuman to his fellow man.

    Of course---god really can't be expected to comfort those that are hurt by MAN for godsakes.

    but to the point, you still have not answered Cofty's question. The 250,000 years of human suffering that had very little to do with man. Long before we were organized as city/states---long before there were even enough people to sustain major wars. Back when childbirth was so death dealing---disease and malnutrition still shortened life spans dramatically, predators, enviroment, parasites, disasters---there is plenty of suffering that is not directly related to man. Because as you have firmly established---all that comfort and help is not for those hurt by MAN---so what about the rest?

    Man is much more powerful than your lord, btw.


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