The Jackson Family Circus -or- WE know whats really going on with Katherine Jackson vs her kids...

by Unlearn 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unlearn

    BREAKING NEWS - today, a judge ruled that Katherine Jackson has lost custody of the kids.
    clearly the judge and legal forces involved cant see through the money-grubbing plot of the ENTIRE rest of the slimboy?

    people aren't crazy.
    keep watching.

  • slimboyfat

    Did this judge mention JWs in his decision? Thought not. If this has happened it'sno doubt to do with her health.

  • Unlearn

    'no doubt'.

    you're omniscient too.

    Jesus Christ....(no pun intended).

  • slimboyfat

    So no mention of JWs then apart from in your febrile imagination?

  • Unlearn

    decsions by judges regarding the welfare of minors are made all the time, taking into account the spiritual beliefs of the guardian(s) as a 'lifestyle', and determining whether such is damaging to the childs development...without ever ONCE mentioning the specific name of the religious belief system involved.

    saw it over and over again when i was an elder in the org, during custody disputes between believers/non-believers.

    depends on the people involved, as well as the judge hearing the case, as well as social workers involved.

    because you're not hearing 'JEHOVAHS WITNESSES' on the news means nothing.
    trust me. i've seen it.

    now, could i be wrong?
    of course.

  • slimboyfat

    Judge Beckloff said Katherine's guardianship was not suspended for wrongdoing - but said she was prevented from doing her duties by 'intentional act from third parties' - an apparent reference to Randy, Janet, Jermaine and Rebbie.

    Read more:

  • talesin

    meh, tabloids ....

    I agree with the OP. Janet Jackson wants Michael's money? ba hahahaha!

    She's as rich as Croesus!


  • slimboyfat

    Since when did rich people stop wanting more money? Greed is not inversely proportional to how much you have, often quite the opposite in fact.

  • talesin

    I get your point, SBF. So true, and I grew up/went to school with trust fund babies - the rich can be very greedy.

    However, I don't think that Janet Jackson wants to see her beloved brother's children in that cult. It's just another dysfunctional JW family, but with money. Really.

    [ Edit: There's something about Janet ... just sayin ... ]

    We will probably never know the truth about the situation, and it's okay to disagree.

    Tis true that tabloids have broken some big stories in the past couple of years. This story, though, is a kinda gossipy one, so it's mostly tabloid fodder, I think.



  • shepherd

    "i'd bet money on it."

    I think you would lose your bet.

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