Oh those Thor-worshippers and their hammers . . . .

by cedars 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wilfried

    More simple : ask a friend (your wife ?) to hold the nail !

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks for sharing that instructional video. All these years I've been doing it wrong and need to get some practice. He says to grab the hammer like you're shaking hands. I've mistakenly been holding the hammer like I was masturbating.

  • cedars

    lol Billy, thanks for sharing! Good job you didn't upload an instructional video!!


  • neverscreamagain
  • TheClarinetist

    Just because our deity uses a hammer doesn't mean that we do as well. I prefer to meet my opponents with my bare hands or an axe.

  • Chariklo

    Cedars, you are overlooking the essential nature of Thor. He is the archetypal Robin Hood.

    He hates injustice. He fights on the side of the oppressed. He is conservationist, defends all who care for the Earth, and dislikes all who misuse power.

    This is the God for all who need someone on their side. (My iPad is apparently incapable of distinguishing between a deity and the customary name of the deity who normally rejoices in a capital G.)

    I think Thor would probably like the hammer-juggling guy in the second video!

  • cedars

    TheClarinetist - axes or even bare hands can be just as dangerous (if not more dangerous) than hammers if not handled safely and responsibly. I condemn the use of any item or appendage in a threatening or violent manner. We are now in an enlightened era of science and knowledge. The success of this thread is undeniable proof that Thor's days are numbered and people are joining the swelling ranks of the Thor haters!!

    Chariklo - I suspect that, despite your crazy attempts to rationalize Thor's barbaric behavior, you are secretly a closet Thor-hater, just like Elderelite. It's okay, your secret is safe with me! I understand the pressure that Thor-followers are under to give tacit support to their former beliefs at the risk of violent repercussions in the form of a well-aimed hammer.


  • puffthedragon

    First they came for our guns, and I kept silent because I had no guns

    Then they came for our hammers, and I kept silent because I had no hammers

    Then they came for my rake, and no one stood up because there was no one left.

  • Chariklo

    Ah, Cedars, your feeble attempts to blacken Thor's name will cut no ice here. Thor was known as benevolent to humankind. He sees people as his friends (with the exceptions cited above).

    Thor doesn't throw his hammer at his followers. He treats them as his friends. He'll be very happy to include you among them, Cedars, and I'm sure he recognises your admiration for him, maybe concealed under a guise of satire but genuine nonetheless!

    He'll be very happy to see you sharing a toast of Viking Blod with His other friends!

  • Chariklo

    Ah, Cedars, your feeble attempts to blacken Thor's name will cut no ice here. Thor was known as benevolent to humankind. He sees people as his friends (with the exceptions cited above).

    Thor doesn't throw his hammer at his followers. He treats them as his friends. He'll be very happy to include you among them, Cedars, and I'm sure he recognises your admiration for him, maybe concealed under a guise of satire but genuine nonetheless!

    He'll be very happy to see you sharing a toast of Viking Blod with His other friends!

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