Help with Mathematical Concepts, Not Arithmetic

by Band on the Run 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD
  • Quendi

    Well, 00DAD has unmasked me and learned my secret identity! But as to which division of the Quendi I belong, that I'll keep secret.


  • 00DAD

    Quendi: Well, 00DAD has unmasked me and learned my secret identity! But as to which division of the Quendi I belong, that I'll keep secret.

    Oh, my friend, but that's too easy a puzzle to solve and an impossible challenge to resist!

    While it may not be possible for me to conclusively determine from which of the many intermediate elven tribes your forebears came, I can easily deduce to which of the remaining two groups you belong.

    Clearly you're CalaQuendi, of the Elves of Light that came to Aman in the days of the Two Trees. For the only other remaining elves are those of the MoriQuendi, the Elves of Darkness that never saw the Light of the Trees.

    Your enlightened speech, educated use of language and mathematics and your great compassion and gentle kindness for others give you away! You could be no other.


    I would further speculate, and it is just speculation, that you are of the Teleri. There were only three divisions of Elves that went to Aman. They are three tribes of Eldar. The Vanyar and the Noldor all went to Aman; however the tribe of Teleri divided, eventually into four groups. Of these, three--the Grey-elves of Sindar, the Nandor and the LaiQuendi--were not of Aman and later became the known as the MoriQuendi.

    That you were once with those of the Darkness is evidenced by the great sadness of your soul. Although you have now come to know joy and peace and forgiveness, the pain of heart that you have suffered is telling. Now a changed man, yes; but one that has experienced much on the journey to love and peace in the kingdom of the Light. The scars on your soul give you away.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I've looked at Khan's website. He was on Charlie Rose one night and the idea fascinated me. If he were one of my teachers, perhaps I would not be doing law and history. A knowledge of math applied to law would be a great asset since few others possess it. Khan is not only excellent in math and science. Recently, he did a series on central banking concepts.

    I studied central banking and monetary policy in law school but it was slated for a legal appraoch. When I read history, I only have the gist of the arguments for and against the first National Bank that tore apart Americans when Hamilton was Sec'y of the Treasury to Andy Jackson's abolition of it. With some time on mh hands, I even purchased an economics tome on central banking. Yes, I had a vague general idea but never fully appreciated the debates. Since I worked on Wall St. the Federal Reserve was a constant topic. Part of me was wondering how I could not understand it.

    As I was glancing through Khan's subjects, I saw he had a module. It was short and very clear. The graphs were fascinating. It took me less than half and hour to absorb concepts I've tried to understand for years.

    Khan has no educational background, does he?

    The problem is how to allocate time now.

  • Quendi

    @ 00DAD: I have sent you an EM.


  • Quendi

    @ Band on the Run: I admire your desire to continue with your personal learning and studies. One of the things that makes the time we're living in so wonderful is that we have a resource like the Internet. Thanks to it, any of us can extend our learning in any field we desire. I have no doubt that despite the many demands on your time, you will learn whatever you wish and will do better than well. Mathematics has been a closed book to you and many others. Now, thanks to the Internet, the pages of that book lie open to you and many others. I wish you well in your journey of discovery!


  • 00DAD

    @ Quendi - you have a reply!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Any first order logic people out there? I need a proof for the premises:



    with A||C as the goal. . .

  • Nika Bee
    Nika Bee

    Quendi, since you asked if anyone is involved in mathematical research: I'm studying arithmetic geometry, more precisely p-adic Hodge theory and K-theory. Famous conjectures in this field are the crystalline conjecture or the semistable conjecture. We are for example constructing Chern classes - maps that link K-theory and different cohomology theories.

    I am sorry this migth not make much sense to someone who is not working in this field, just a bunch of weird words...

  • stapler99

    breakfast of champians - does || mean the "or" operator? If so:

    Would like to prove A || C.

    If A, then A || C.

    Otherwise, assume ~A (not A). Then A || B implies B. Then B along with ~B || C implies C. And C implies A || C. Quite simple.

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