Who is more likely to die at Armageddon?

by Terry 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    I think the only Armageddon anyone will ever see is that of a giant asteroid ("planet killer"). Who will die? Everyone.

  • Kojack57

    I think the only ones who will die at Armageddon will be die hard, active, and insane Jehovah's witnesses.


  • BluesBrother

    The writings have been a little vague on this subject in recent years....Most of the dubs I know will just shrug and say that "We will leave it to Jehovah"

    The local WT conductor a while back made a point of correcting someone and insisting that there was no middle way. You were either for "The Kingdom" or against it

    As for the masses that have not heard the message, I think they now realise that the population is expanding quicker than they are and at the current rate they will never reach everybody. The family say that God can judge a whole nation as wicked if he chooses to.....

    Is that just?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    BB says:

    As for the masses that have not heard the message, I think they now realise that the population is expanding quicker than they are and at the current rate they will never reach everybody. The family say that God can judge a whole nation as wicked if he chooses to.....

    Is that just?

    No, but that's EXACTLY how justice occurs in the OT, both for Hebrews AND their neighbors. In fact, some sins committed by individuals needed to be dealt with, as they were consider sins against the land; if too many occurred, the people themselves were said to be "vomited from the land". Presumably these types of sin were offered as the post-facto explanation for Hebrews were exiled to Babylon, ie "why has YHWH foresaken us?").

    The same thinking applied to their neighbors, who were labelled as "pagans" deserving of invasion, etc.

    That idea of one individuals affecting the community is still seen in the need to maintain the purity of the congregation, leading to DF/shunning: it's communal thinking, at it's worst.


    But the idea of needing to contact every individual is funny, as it's really just justification to recruit others to engage in the sales activity, to increase the size of the sales team. The premise is based on the concept of needing to give people fair-warning (as if requesting their informed consent), so they can decide for themselves whether or not to comply with God's death threat.

    God apparently didn't need to do that for the Worldlies BEFORE the Flood, as Jesus himself said it caught the World by surprise. And while the NT elsewhere indicates Noah engaged in a preaching work (which the OT does NOT reflect), he clearly didn't preach to anyone but his local neighbors, unless he sent his (3) sons out to engage in missionary work to far-off lands such as New Guinea, Australia, China, N. America, Japan, etc, to contact all the World's inhabitants, PLUS have time to build a 450 ft ark, too! (which was the most massive wooden vessel EVER built!). Maybe that's where they went, and then brought the animals back with them to the ark?

  • sir82

    Ah, but you're forgetting the old "community responsibility" chestnut. The Chinese peasants get their skulls crushed by giant hailstones as well!

    Basically, to survive Armageddon you have to be (according to JW teaching):

    -- Baptized

    -- Attending all meetings unless contagious or nearly dead

    -- Sharing "wholeheartedly" in field service, surpassing the "monthly average" (although they don't tell you the monthly average any more. Ha ha! Better just do double whatever you are currently doing just to be safe)

    -- Gaining Jehovah's "smile of approval" by avoiding nasty things like porn, facebook, college, and video games. Oh, and Sparlock.

    -- Participating in all meetings

    -- Preparing for all meetings

    -- Obeying and submitting to anything and everything coming from the elders and COs and DOs and branch committee members and (most importantly) GB members

    -- Reading the Bible daily if you feel like it, but more importantly, reading the WT's comments about the Bible daily

    -- Probably about 40 or 50 other requirements

    Anticipated population of the earth after "Armageddon": Maybe a couple hundred people.

  • Quentin

    Who is more likely to die at Armageddon?

    Turn the coin over and ask; Who is more likely to live? The game is rigged. Read Matt. 24, see how many fallacies you can find.

  • aquagirl

    In other words,I wonder what Santa will bring me this year?

  • dgp

    I am supposed to be walking birdfeed anyways, because I have refused to listen so many times and then I chose not to join despite my receiving a Bible and "What We Really Want You to Believe the Bibles Teaches", so I'm having fun while it lasts.

  • Finkelstein

    Who is more likely to die at Armageddon?

    Its really up to the ancient Judeans for its their imgintive story.

    This might be very difficult task since there aren't any ancient Judeans living any more.

    Armageddon as told in the bible was an embellished story told to created relevance to a specific god .

    It was just one of the many mystical stories mentioned of the gods of the ancient era of humanity.

  • blondie

    *** w88 9/15 p. 14 par. 18 Listen—Jehovah’s Watchman Speaks! ***

    The antitypical ‘man in linen’ is the class of anointed Christians. They go from house to house to put a symbolic mark on those who become part of the “great crowd” of Christ’s “other sheep.” The “mark” is the evidence that such sheep are dedicated, baptized individuals with a Christlike personality. They ‘sigh and groan over detestable things’ done in Christendom, and they have come out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 18:4, 5) Their “mark” will make it plain to God’s executional forces that they should be spared during the “great tribulation.” They can retain that “mark” by sharing with the anointed ones in marking yet others. So, if you have been ‘marked,’ share zealously in the ‘marking’ work.—Ezekiel 9:8-11.

    *** w87 4/15 pp. 11-12 pars. 6-7 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism ***

    To be spared from God’s wrath, those who ‘sighed and groaned’ had to be marked on their forehead. (Ezekiel 9:4) In ancient times slaves were often marked on the forehead to be clearly identified. Distinctive marks on the forehead and elsewhere might also show that a person worshiped a certain deity. (Compare Isaiah 44:5.) So, in our day, what is the distinctive, lifesaving mark that clearly identifies its bearers as true worshipers and slaves of Jehovah?

    7 The symbolic mark is the evidence, as if displayed on your uncovered forehead, (1) that you are a dedicated, baptized disciple of Jesus Christ and (2) that you have put on the Christlike new personality. (Ephesians 4:20-24)

    *** kl chap. 18 p. 180 par. 21 Make It Your Aim to Serve God Forever ***A dedicated, baptized person faithfully endeavoring to follow Jesus is special to God. Jehovah examines all the billions of human hearts and knows how rare such individuals are. He considers them to be treasures, “desirable things.” (Haggai 2:7) Bible prophecies show that God views such ones as marked to survive the execution of his judgment soon to come upon this wicked system of things. (Ezekiel 9:1-6; Malachi 3:16, 18) Are you “rightly disposed for everlasting life”? (Acts 13:48) Is it your earnest desire to be marked as one serving God? Dedication and baptism are part of that mark, and they are essential for survival.

    *** w89 1/15 p. 20 How Baptism Can Save Us ***

    20 By our works, we can show that “we belong to Jehovah.” Why, salvation depends on working faithfully as his dedicated slaves! (Romans 6:20-23; 14:7, 8) In ancient times, slaves were often marked on the forehead. By the preaching work today, the antitypical ‘man clothed in linen’—the remnant of Jesus’ anointed followers—is ‘marking’ those who will survive the end of this system. In this work the anointed are assisted by their associates, the “other sheep.” (Ezekiel 9:1-7; John 10:16) And what is the “mark”? It is the evidence that we are dedicated to Jehovah and are Jesus’ baptized disciples who have a Christlike personality.

    21 Especially now is it vital that we have the “mark” and retain it, for we are deep into “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) To be saved we must ‘endure to the end’ of our present life or of this system. (Matthew 24:13) Only if we thus remain faithful as witnesses of Jehovah will baptism save us.

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