I think we are being shunned

by hoser 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    it seems like lately we have been missing out on a lot of invites to congregation gatherings and our field service group has gatherings but we never seem to get invited. BTW this is not a bad thing


  • PaintedToeNail

    Sounds like that could be the case. Unless there is a lot of nepotism in your congregation. We always ended up at congregations where one half of the congregation was related somehow to the other half. We were always the odd man out family, no one was related to us at all.

    You are right, it's not a bad thing, it is to be expected in a successful fade.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    that happened to me while I was still actively attending meetings. If anyone gets the idea that you are "weak", they'll stop socializing with you as if that will make you want to be an uber-dub. Once I realized that people were already treating me almost as if I were disfellowshipped, I realized I didn't have much left to lose socially. Made it a lot easier to just walk away.

  • talesin

    It's working!

  • hoser

    mr and mrs hoser still go to most of the meetings and are in field service monthly but I guess we must be bad association

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The only reason they haven't been inviting you is because it gets so ackward for them to talk about you behind your back... when you're right there. Excluding you both makes it much easier for the rest of them to gossip about br and sr hoser.

  • blondie

    hoser, have you said anything to a jw that they might construed as negative about the WTS? If you are still "associating," has this happened to you and mrs. hoser in the past? I found that many jws are very judgmental and are quick to tell others and not talk to you about any problems. We were shunned by some long before we stopped going to the KH.

  • hoser

    You're so right Billy. I seem to get the cold shoulder even from peeps I know in other circuits. The word must be in the grapevine We're considered


  • hoser

    Blondie I have not said anything negative about the wts or questioned doctrine. The only problem is we live our own life. We basically put our own

    needs first b4 the WTS as any sane individual should be doing.

  • talesin

    You're just not *striving*, and *reaching out*. bad association, hey? smh


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