I ran into the C.O.B.E.'s wife....

by 3rdgen 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3rdgen

    I was shopping, looking at a handbag, when M****** rushed up to me and gave me a hug. Startled, I looked up to see a sister who was never friendly when I attended her cong. over 13 yrs ago. We have run into each other a couple of times where we exchanged pleasantries and went our separate ways. Over the years I've moved several times and changed congs. It turns out that a few years back(after we quit attending meetings) we moved into a community where she and her hubby also live.

    She implied she knows we live in her "territory" now. She tried her best to draw me into a conversation. I gave in and asked about her children. Oh brother! She went on and on how well they are doing in JW land and how her oldest is COBE of a nearby hall. After at least 15 min of this and how her hubby is off on some building project, I was chafing. She had blocked me with her shopping cart so I couldn't even ease out.

    She goes on to say how she misses me at the KH. Really? "I miss you too." I lied. Next thing you know she's telling me more "advancements" from the society. I feel myself ready to blow but hubby is adament about not wanting to get dfed so I'm still trying to hold my anger in. Then she asks if I still read my Bible? That did it.

    I said, "When they(elders in another cong) refused to give us our mags I was forced to read the Bible without the DISTRACTION of the literature. Turns out they did me the biggest favor of my life!" She looked shocked. I followeded with," Then I read some of the Societies really old literature on line. Now I understand why my parents were so dysfunctional! They lived their lives guided by Judge Rutherford."

    She now looked a little nausious and said,"Well he was needed at the time . He was an attorney, you know." I replied, Of course I know, but do you think he was the ONLY attorney at the time? Rutherford made a power play for the job and did a lot of damage in the process."

    At this point she was turning grey and I realized I had probably bought myself a call from her husband,. Good thing he'll be gone for a couple of months slaving for the slave.

    Why can't I just smile and keep my mouth shut?????

  • PaintedToeNail

    3rdgen-Funny! You did do well. But, what a nosy, rude old bat. Did she think you suddenly grew horns and a tail and started carrying a pitchfork or something?

  • 3rdgen

    @painted toenail, I think I did!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    When they crow about how wonderful their lives of slavery are, they shouldn't be surprised if someone holds up a mirror and informs them of how they really look.

    I've been waiting for an opportunity to point out how little they're actually printing anymore. And in January they're chopping the magazines in half. "I heard they're trying to move more online. I sure learned a lot when I googled Jehovah's Witnesses. Wow, they lost a multimillion dollar lawsuit and have gobs of property for sale around the world. These are exciting times. Have they put the local hall up for sale yet?"

  • 3rdgen

    Billythex, What a perrrrrrrfect response. I'll use that next time. (There's always a next time)

  • Scott77

    Great post. Unfortunately, Iam not in a mood to meet them. To me, they are poison, having stolen my youthful vigor. Shame on them.


  • 3rdgen

    Scott 77, I hear you. I am extremely angry for the almost 60 years they took from me. I'm constantly running into JW's and it's getting harder and harder not to tell them what I REALLY think.

  • Diest


    You're a hooot!

  • Carl8119

    @3rdgen I'm extreemly angry with them cos they took my childhood and i've missed so many oportunties because of jw brainwashing.

    If you ask me brainwashing or ideological totalism should be made a prosocutable offence in a legitimate court of law.

  • zeb

    C.O.B.E ? Vat ist das?

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