Awkward, but kinda funny encounter with JWs today

by hemp lover 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    @ Outlaw.

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    Years ago after I divorced my jw husband I was buying a latte b4 boarding and working a flight. My ex was outed to the elders but expressed repentance (actually he had been outed 2 yrs bfor and the elders said since he was repentant I would not have biblical bases for divorcing him. So in my shock and hurt I stayed. It was never the same after that and I soon found out from workmates that his encouters were becoming more open. I also finally learned that he's always had a secret life but besides being shocked out of my gourd that he had been using the money I made..I handed over my paychecks....good jw wife...and put us in deep debt. I am sorry he lived with such shame...he has his own story..but deceit was not what I wanted in a husband nor the likelyhood of aids being given to me). No one in the Cong knew why we got a divorce...the elders didn't want people to think badly of him. Soooo needing a scapegoat people thought badly of me. He was also a flight attendant where I worked. Soooooo, back to the main story. As my coffee was being made a pod of girl jws approached me. (Me--rolling eyes mentally) They asked me if I was a flight attendand for brand x. Their faces were so giddily happy. Do you know D..................... I said "oh yes, quite well". They asked if he was as nice at work as well as off work. I said, "I've known him since we were twelve yrs old and I know him more than any of you ever will because I was married to him for 18yrs." You would have thought I'd pulled off a face mask and looked like an 100yr old demonic Gary Busey. The all just froze. I took my coffee and wished them a good day then walked away getting back to real life. I bet that was a big story with many exagerations for months in the car groups. I hope they had a great time.

  • puffthedragon

    Where in the scriptures does it say that if someone speaks a language different from your congregation, even if you and the householder speak a language that you both know well, that they should DENY you the lifesaving message they offer?

    If JW's believe they have the truth and deny you the message because of this made up rule, they personally, and the elders and policy-makers who enforce these rules are blood-guilty. Plain as day.

    /EDIT This, to me, adds to the biggest problem I personally have with the Jehovah's Witness religion. They clearly serve a corporation, and not God, or even Jesus.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    He was also a flight attendant where I worked.

    (Heavy dose of dramatic foreshadowing)

    No response needed, but let me guess: Southwest Airlines? They have a well-earned reputation for gay male flight attendents. :)

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I get so damn nervous and shaky when I talk to them at my door. I always hide it pretty well, but my hands were literally shaking when they left and I don't understand why.

    Why does this happen? Because you were mentally abused by these people - something I am just coming to terms with myself.

    Thanks for the story HEMP LOVER

  • 00DAD

    hemp lover: my hands were literally shaking when they left and I don't understand why.

    It's a phobic reaction. This is one of the physical manifestations of Fear Indoctrination.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    boc and 00dad: I get that and agree, but does it ever stop? Will I ever be able to have a conversation with "these people" who keep knocking at my door without experiencing shake voice? lol

    It struck me when I reread the other thread I started years ago that I bumped to the top today, that I said the exact same thing about my hands shaking and that was seven years ago! These are the only times in my life when my hands have ever shaken, except for car accidents and bar fights (witness, not participant).

    Well, maybe I just answered my own question. It's an adrenaline rush, isn't it?

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    King Solomen, It was not Southwest but there are a lot of gays at every airline (maybe not air Iran). I love these people I fly with. They are funny, loving, a hoot to party with and some of the best friends you can ever have.

  • NewChapter

    I get shaky too--visibly---which really irritates me because mentally I am so far out of this org and in fact don't even believe in a god anymore. But still----the reaction! Drives me crazy.

  • Glander

    Hempy -

    "I'm also now doing the hindsight thing where I wish I had invited them to sit on the porch and smoke some shit for a while to help them get in some easy field service time. "

    Very hospitable

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