JWsurvey.org publishes article on Anonymous - and offers evidence that the Society HAS a child molester database

by cedars 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • DT


  • WildeLover

    brilliant work as ever Cedars :-)

    i hate them all so much!


  • stillin

    Based on several Judicial Committee experiences and the after-effects that I have seen, the WTS needs very little real evidence, or any "crime" to have been committed, to enter somebody's name in their database of "offenders."

    This can be a good thing if there is actually a child molester in their sights. But it can be a bad thing if facts were blown out of proportion or the "offender" was simply somebody that the local BOE didn't care for anyway.

    I would pity several whom I know of who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time (not necessarily doing the wrong thing) to be wrongly "outed" in such a way. People are way too willing to pass judgement on others in this sensitive area.

  • SG Seattle
    SG Seattle

    Now I'm curious -- how far back do their records go?

  • life is to short

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