JWsurvey.org publishes article on Anonymous - and offers evidence that the Society HAS a child molester database

by cedars 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    It's late in my part of the world, so I'll keep this brief!

    I've just published an article on the attack by Anonymous on the Watch Tower Society. A link to the article is below:


    As always, I would appreciate feedback on how the article can be improved - however, it will be tomorrow before I can begin implementing anything, so please keep this in mind!

    I've tried to write the article from as balanced a perspective as possible, leaving it to the reader to decide the rights and wrongs of everything.

    I've also hopefully proved that the Society HAS a child molester database based on correspondence that was used during the Candace Conti trial. I would be interested in your thoughts on this too.

    Anyway, I hope you find the article interesting!


  • DT

    This is a great, well researched article. It's been getting a lot of tweets on Twitter and I'm sure it will rank well in the search engines.

  • life is to short
  • whathappened

    This is too good to be true. Tell me this is really happening.

  • Scott77

    wow, Iam surprised, "In 2012, American magazine Time named Anonymous as one of the most influential people in the world. [ 17 ]

    17^ "The 100 Most Influential People In The World". Time. April 18, 2012.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Great article & work Cedars!

    "Anonymous must get this pedophile list and submit it to the following::

    I love it

  • cedars

    Thanks everyone!

    I wake up to find more documents in my inbox proving the existence of the database. I will try to put these up on the article page ASAP.


  • Phizzy

    Very well done Cedars, you have my unbounded admiration for your work, both its quality and quantity, you are tireless !

    Just one slight cavil, toward the end of the article you state that if the WT is from God then the Anonymous campaign will fail, I find that to be a misjudged thing to say for any active JW reading your article, presumably your main target audience.

    The campaign may well be perceived to have failed by JW's if nothing dramatic comes out of it, the WT are quite good and being slippery enough to find a way to not disclose their list for instance, any crash of the WT sites on a tempory basis will not be seen as a victory for the Anon. group by a JW.

    You will have effectively proved to them that the WT has God's backing !

    Perhaps a small sentence could be added to your excellent article saying that success for Anon. is not a foregone conclusion, but if it happens then the WT's claimed status in relation to God is down the drain.

  • cedars

    Thanks Phizzy - I know exactly what you mean about that last bit, which is why I added "either through Anonymous or some other means". I'll have a think about how it can be further re-worked. The concluding comments are just my attempt to get active JWs to be fairly philosophical about the whole thing, and start to equate the decline of the organization with the absense of God's blessing. In other words - if this is God's organization, then why are they in so much trouble? Perhaps I could say it a bit better - I'll have a think about it. Cheers!!


  • Phizzy

    Thanks Cedars, my only reason for pointing it out is that most JW's do not read and think, as a rule, they need things spelled out for them.

    I would hate for your sterling efforts to be like "punching the air" or whatever Paul said, we have to remember that JW's are fed a diet of kindergarten standard articles, they need it plain and simple.

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