The effects and repercussions of a cyber attack on WTBTS

by Soldier77 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Soldier77

    This is pure speculation on my part and I hope to get some others to join in sharing their thoughts on this topic.

    With the recent push by "mother" to rely heavily on their site, correspondance to elder bodies, publication downloads, library access, imagine the impact an attack to their site could produce to the organization.

    Here we have the GB jumping on the bandwagon, late as usual, but still trying to grasp the internet, and saying that it's "okay" to use the internet, and when you do, please go to our site. So you have a lot of people that may have been die hard, anti-internet because it's from the devil, now saying, okay, lets get a computer, get internet service and hop online....

    That's where all hell breaks loose. They log on the great world wide web and type in the "officially backed" website.... and BAM! Infiltrated, with links or information that hopefully make them stop and think, but regardless, they will run away scared. Maybe even thinking they typed the wrong address, maybe going back and re-typing it and re-searching for it... damage is already done, one way or the other.

    Another aspect...

    All the email addresses being mined and given to the cause, imagine an email blast to all coming from the "official" web address that they usually get their "official" correspondance from and BAM! Think about that for a second. We're talking thousands, maybe (probably tens of thousands) of email addresses. What if you woke up one morning and saw an "official" email from mother and open it and get some information that blows you away. The damage is already done.

    Also imagine the amount of data that is being mined as I type this by the people of Anonymous. The amount of "secrets" that can be used against them. There will be those witnesses that will circle the wagons even tighter and claim it's Armageddon/Great Tribulation starting and cling tighter to the group think, but there will be many that finally say, you know what, the evidence is overwhelming.

    If many are like me, when growing up, if I was told not to do something, I would do it, if I was told to don't ask just do, I would ask and not do. The more they come out and say DO NOT more people will say, oh yeah? Watch me!

    With the org finally embracing the internet and changing quite a bit of procedures of late, this assault could cripple them extensively. The damage this strike could have may not deal the death blow to the org, but the hit would be stunning, I strongly believe they have no idea what or how hard they will be hit. I don't even know that!

    We live in the information age, where emails are secondary to social websites for communication, where blogs, vlogs, independant news sources are the norm. A sack on the WTBTS attempt to 'embrace' the internet this soon in their attempts to do so could leave them with their mouths wide open and asking... WTF just happened?

    This year it started with the Sparlock gaffe, something small, but made a lot of witnesses (the ones I've talked to) raise their eyebrows and give comments along the lines of whatever, that's not a real family and that's not how a real family operates. Then the Conti case, which for me personally was the final nail in the coffin to bury the org. Now attention by Anonymous.

    The information that is being brought together is probably already known, by us anyway, it's all probably out there on the net to some degree. So what's the difference this time? This time, it's a concentrated attempt, an organized attempt to bring all information all at once to bear. It's the first attempt to get all of the "ammo" we have on the WTBTS and instead of popping off shots one at a time, it's bringing all that ammo all that weaponry to the fight at one time. That's powerful.

    Is it legal? No. But sometimes you have to fight evil with evil. Have I done anything illegal to support this cause? No. Unless being supportive vocally and actively is a crime?

    What are your thoughts about the possibilities this could mean? I know it sounds like I'm giving this a lot of hope that it will destroy them, but I'm realistic too, it may just be hype and nothing comes of it.

  • DT

    The information they get could keep us busy for years. The information that the Watchtower society has put in their publications has caused a lot of damage. I cant wait to see what their secret information does to them.

  • sir82

    E-mail addresses for all elders, at least in the US, are in their databases. The branch does send out info via e-mail on occasion, telling the elders to check XYZ on

    Yes indeed, a message sent out "apparently" from "mother" could do quite a bit of damage.

    Especially if it were rather subtle.

    A message of "HAIL SATAN! 666! Blargh blargh blargh!" would be pretty quickly dismissed as an "apostate attack".

    But a message written in WT style, bland and micro-managing, would probably fool virtually everyone.

    An enterprising ex-elder could probably volunteer to help "Anonymous" write such an e-mail message.

  • cedars
  • DT

    It would be funny if someone sent out an email asking the elders to immediately destroy all the judicial committee records to keep them away from Anonymous.

  • DT


    You probably already saw this, but it might be helpful for others. I got this information from

    The pedophile lists ARE NOT paper

    The pedophile information is on a computer data base. 6 years ago it was called ADMIN2000 .

    Each WT branch in the world is on it and each branch can access their own date base with list of pedophiles coming under their jurisdiction.

    NY branch can access each branch list, but each branch can't access NY branch.

  • cedars

    Thanks DT, I'll take a look.


  • okage

    written in wt style. i nominate... ah hell. i forgot his name. i believe sd was his name. he tends to be really good at mimicking their style.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    Sir82 is right; subtle would probably work better. Imagine if, instead of hacking a redirect away from, the download magazine links were simply replaced with new "improved" magazines -- again, staying subtle, with only a few key articles changed/added to/or created. It could even go several issues before anybody even noticed, but seeds could be planted.

  • sir82


    A really devious person could start spreading rumors right now.

    "Did you hear that 'Anonymous' has targeted the Watchtower? Holy cow! What if they have already posted apostate information on or Have you read the September 15 Watchtower yet? Did anything in it seem a little 'off' to you?"

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