Checking the shelf life on Jehovah's Witness "Truth"

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Terry you can hope the Society will crumble but history reveals groups live on past our lives.

    I agree it is most unrealistic to expect a religion of 7 million people to simply "go away".

    However, if the attrition rate is kept at a high enough level a certain inevitable occurance might well present itself.

    Once the critical mass of EX-JW's reaches a certain level there is an oppositional influence against them that is well-informed, experienced and articulate.

    These EX-JW's differ from ordinary critics. We know where the important bodies are buried, so to speak.

    Whittle away little by little and the flaws are exposed, publicized and made transparent to the public at large.

    That is all I hope to do. Peel away a layer now and then.

    Further, if we lay the tools out on the table for those still in to find their way out of the laybrinth it becomes easier to leave.

    It is martial arts turning the power of the enemy against their own selves.

    Repression is subtle. Intimidation difficult to prove. Control is difficult to escape.

    JW-NET demonstrates it CAN BE DONE!

    We are the path.

    We are the exemplars.

    We become the doorway through which the enslaved pass to Freedom.

    Just keep your focus and share your best ideas as they come to you.

    We are a community of the Victorious!
  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    I think your assessment of this place and the people here is exaggerated.

    most people would benefit more from a quiet corner with a book or two about cults so they can see HOW the WTBTS manipulated the scriptures to suit thier own particular doctrines...that way the person still maintains a grip on a major and important part of their "being". A JW finds comfort and strength in their ability WITH the scriptures.

    this place and its people are not on a single path to "freedom"...freedom is not found with a bunch of people on an internet site. I'd guess that there are some people here that are captive to this very site because they're not victorious. I'd guess that there are some (having come here after exiting the WTBTS) finding their real inner life stagnant...rotting even...from the bitterness and anger of betrayal.

    I know that isn't a pretty picture but that is what it is...

    How the gold has lost its luster,
    the fine gold become dull!
    The sacred gems are scattered
    at every street corner.

    How the precious children of Zion,
    once worth their weight in gold,
    are now considered as pots of clay,
    the work of a potter’s hands!

    Even jackals offer their breasts
    to nurse their young,
    but my people have become heartless
    like ostriches in the desert.

    Because of thirst the infant’s tongue
    sticks to the roof of its mouth;
    the children beg for bread,
    but no one gives it to them.

    Those who once ate delicacies
    are destitute in the streets.
    Those brought up in royal purple
    now lie on ash heaps.

    The punishment of my people
    is greater than that of Sodom,
    which was overthrown in a moment
    without a hand turned to help her.

    Their princes were brighter than snow
    and whiter than milk,
    their bodies more ruddy than rubies,
    their appearance like lapis lazuli.

    But now they are blacker than soot;
    they are not recognized in the streets.
    Their skin has shriveled on their bones;
    it has become as dry as a stick.

    Those killed by the sword are better off
    than those who die of famine;
    racked with hunger, they waste away
    for lack of food from the field.

    With their own hands compassionate women
    have cooked their own children,
    who became their food
    when my people were destroyed.

    The Lord has given full vent to his wrath;
    he has poured out his fierce anger.
    He kindled a fire in Zion
    that consumed her foundations.

    The kings of the earth did not believe,
    nor did any of the peoples of the world,
    that enemies and foes could enter
    the gates of Jerusalem.

    But it happened because of the sins of her prophets
    and the iniquities of her priests,
    who shed within her
    the blood of the righteous.

    Now they grope through the streets
    as if they were blind.
    They are so defiled with blood
    that no one dares to touch their garments.

    “Go away! You are unclean!” people cry to them.
    “Away! Away! Don’t touch us!”
    When they flee and wander about,
    people among the nations say,
    “They can stay here no longer.”

    The Lord himself has scattered them;
    he no longer watches over them.
    The priests are shown no honor,
    the elders no favor.

    Moreover, our eyes failed,
    looking in vain for help;
    from our towers we watched
    for a nation that could not save us.

    People stalked us at every step,
    so we could not walk in our streets.
    Our end was near, our days were numbered,
    for our end had come.

    Our pursuers were swifter
    than eagles in the sky;
    they chased us over the mountains
    and lay in wait for us in the desert.

    The Lord ’s anointed, our very life breath,
    was caught in their traps.
    We thought that under his shadow
    we would live among the nations. (lamentations 4 U)

    God wants you to turn to Him to be healed, beloved.

    Jesus is the path.

    Jesus is the exemplar.

    Jesus is the doorway through which the enslaved pass to Freedom.

    love michelle

  • kepler


    Greetings. Not that I am in favor of dropping an amusing line of reasoning, your post merits reflection as well. And if I am summarizing correctly I believe you said, "Get used to the idea: JWs, like other Christian sects is going to be around for a long time. Look at the record."

    At first I was going to say, "Odds are you are right." But I'm not sure that's true either. There is though, a natural selection process at work. Some movements around in the first century have vanished with hardly a trace. Others ,we read about courtesy of their church historian critics - unfavorable reviews. Still others we don't acknowledge because their beliefs have been assimilated into our (?) own. Example? Zoroastrians. And should we have had an opportunity to do some backward time travel to talk with the writers of classical antiquity, BC or AD, would there not be some surprised look on faces - theirs and ours?

    What are the examples that you cited but mutations of belief systems prevalent earlier? Mutations out of Judea swept prevailing Mesopotamian belief systems aside. But did they owe nothing to the Mesopotamians?

    Biblical study is something that I had off most of my life and was only galvanized into doing so by the outrageous claims I encountered, leading to participation in this forum. Since I found much that is troubling, I neither want to sweep it under the rug or simply be dismissive. There's got to be some other course. 100 or 1000 years ago, that appears to have been a pre-occupation of many people. Should this not be true as well in the future based on our children's children's perspective? (Well, wait a minute - I've got to remember the background of my audience. Maybe consensus will be a resounding NO!!!)

    In the meantime, what do I tell younger members of my familiy? Or anyone that looks to me for guidance because I am old and read a book or two once? To me telling them to give up on understanding or following the example of Christ is like sitting high in a tree sawing away at the limb between you and the trunk. There has got to be a better answer.

    And that brings me back around to the original topic: shelf life. If Christianity is built on a convergence on an end in the 19th or 20th century, that version has been shown repeatedly, demonstrably false. Scratchiong at a blackboard years ago, contemplating whether humanity will remain a proposition that would last as long as the stars we were discussing - or whether it was already on its way to termination due to conversations on red telephones, my thoughts then were that Chistianity had to have an underlying philosophy

    Good whether the end was ten minutes from now or a billion years hence.

    I'd like to think: If the end comes in a few minutes and you are standing around in an elevator with people of different faiths, Christian and otherwise, just like on a sinking ship, you should be able to say: "Hang on. It's going to be all right. We are in this together..."

  • Terry

    MyElaine opines:

    I think your assessment of this place and the people here is exaggerated.

    most people would benefit more from a quiet corner with a book or two about cults so they can see HOW the WTBTS manipulated the scriptures to suit thier own particular doctrines...that way the person still maintains a grip on a major and important part of their "being".

    It is most difficult to process the changes in your life and your mind without having other people to talk about it with WHO UNDERSTAND.

    If you've never been a JW you just don't have a clue what the real ex-JW's are talking about or going through.

    This place is like a hosptiality table in a large convention. You don't spend all your time at one spot--but--a little time now and then when you need it

    makes it invaluable.

  • Finkelstein

    most people would benefit more from a quiet corner with a book or two about cults so they can see HOW the WTBTS manipulated the scriptures to suit their own particular doctrines.

    The problem is though in the way they mentally indoctrinate its adherents, that like no other religion on earth, they are professing

    true bible interpretation and guidance. The reality of course they are just as equally ingrained with lies and corruption like all the other religions.

    This mental indoctrination has the ability and capability to make their doctrines somewhat secure, with the added help of implied

    and imposing fear. What web forums like this can do is create an open and frank discussion about certain doctrines such as 1914, 607 BCE.

    and expose the core Truth toward those doctrines. A book on religious cults and mind control doesn't offer that kind exact articulation.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS's " Truth " has been designed to attract attention to the WTS. pieces of literature and toward the organization itself.

    The WTS. got its start by lying and deceiving people with that direct intension intact.

    Its own inherent lies and deceptions has carried along this organization for decades, catching unassuming and naive people in its path.

    That path has been one where people were killed needlessly, families broken apart, lives were exploited and wasted and so forth.

    Helping people see its corruption and the damage it has caused humanity is a valuable, noble and sincere effort.

    Thats my opinion because the WTS really has been preaching false information now for so long about the End Times and Armageddon soon.

    Also the doctrine that Jesus Chirt has taken a position over his earthly and heavenly Kingdom in 1914 .... etc.

    Its been a winfall marketing scheme for such a long time, which now really doesn't have much leg to stand on.

    Time in conjunction with reality has made the WTS's doctrines redundantly weak or useless more or less.

    I'm even believing the leaders of the WTS are even starting to know this for themselves.

    The WTS future and its main supporting pieces of literature, The Watchtower and Awake magazines may eventually be tossed aside

    for some new doctrines as well newly named pieces of literature .

    Kind of ironic for a religious organization who adamantly proclaimed that they are the only " Truth " like no other organization on earth,

    is now confronted by the real truth, which they cant avoid by the perceived image of what they have created around themselves.

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    you said: "If you've never been a JW you just don't have a clue what the real ex-JW's are talking about or going through."...

    that is simply not true, WTBTS teachings are available for all (who want) to comprehend AND intuitive understanding of abuse situations is not the exclusive domain of ex-JW' doesn't "take one to know one"...

    love michelle

  • Terry

    you said: "If you've never been a JW you just don't have a clue what the real ex-JW's are talking about or going through."...

    that is simply not true, WTBTS teachings are available for all (who want) to comprehend AND intuitive understanding of abuse situations is not the exclusive domain of ex-JW' doesn't "take one to know one"..

    The actual inside EXPERIENCE cannot be communicated through reading.

    That would be like saying reading a sex manuel qualifies you in the same way as actually having sex.

    The emotional impact of being in the JW community comes from the day to day living as well as the cumulative boa-constrictor smothering from control issues. It is this experience to which I refer.

  • LV101

    Terry --- another GREAT topic/thanks. I agree w/you -- one has to experience the full blown deal to feel the truth of the cult. Anyone who ducked the cult (I don't care how many yrs. they studied/communicated or associated w/witnesses) is clueless. The mental torment/pain inside is horrendous.

    If one fits in (economically, social status, etc.) w/witnesses during study phase and only have doctrinal issues to deal with --- that's nothing but an eye opener and they are saved by the bell.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The Summer 2012 District Convention has some strange areas you might be interested in. New York is trying to tighten their reigns on these little worker bees. Comparing the elders to "Ely" in 1: Samueal 1, discounting verbal trash spoken from elders as another way we can build our humlity stronger is weird!

    WT H.Q. want's all to be submissive, nobody to question anyone in authority even if their conduct is unbiblical! The Society is now going against the Bible itself, what will they do?

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