Checking the shelf life on Jehovah's Witness "Truth"

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Question of the day (every day!) for Jehovah's Witnesses: "If it's the TRUTH, then, why does it keep changing?"

    Second question is, for the TRUTH that hasn't changed, what is the shelf life?

    Third question is, what is the EFFECT that has been CAUSED by believing, disseminating and following this alleged "Truth"?

    For example:

    When counseled not to pursue Higher Education because the end of this system will come before you get any benefit....why not ask:

    HOW LONG has this been true?

    The answer will be: "Always!"

    And the retort is:

    "30 years ago, if I had gone ahead and ignored this counsel, wouldn't I be more financially secure now?"

    When admonished to devote more time to the field service or Pioneering because the End is Near...why not ask:

    How Long has this been true?

    The answer will be: "Always!"

    And the retort is: "How does guessing wrong differ from Old Light?"

    "All those older books and magazines contained what we NOW SEE as Old Light."

    "We fed people (purportedly at the proper time!) emergency instructions, important DATES now embarassingly UNimportant, warnings of THE END...what was that all about? We've done it for almost 100 years and never got it right!"

    When reminded that the Governing Body is the mouthpiece of god and our "mother" whom we must not question and should only obey, we might ask:

    How long has this been true?

    Until the early 1970's the Organization was really only run by the President and immediately after splitting into a group the Presiding leader was the same man who gave us the failed 1975 date! Was mother going through the change-of-life? Or did we change Mothers?

    Truth matches reality.

    Where there is no reality there is no truth.

    WHEN something is true is when the facts support the claims.

    This is one COLD CASE crime that can be solved by skeptical inquiry!

  • james_woods

    There was always the "decade of miraculous new light" - (as I call it): 1925 to 1935.

    This resulted in:

    The name Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The formation of the two-classes of JW christianity: The closed "annointed class" and the open "great crowd" of lesser mortals.

    The end of the world and the resurrection was supposed to occur in 1925.

    The faithful men of old - Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. were supposed to come back to human life and move in with the Judge in Beverly Hills, California.

    Absolutely Looney scientific ideas were still being promoted in the magazines: The gravitational force was not real. (it was electromagnetism). There were "wood atoms" and "glass atoms" which made up wood and glass. The moon did not rotate on its axis, thus it always faces the same side to earth. (obviously it has to rotate once per month to achieve this). The rabies contagion is actually demonism - vaccinations are "demon pus" which will cause you to disintegrate into Rosemary's Baby...and on and on.

    I have always found it remarkable that the landmark decision of the 144,000 came from this crazy decade - but is still the cornerstone of Witness Theology (along with the fixation on the Jehovah name). Even though most of the rest of that nutbar thinking was rudely dumped into the trash like Sparlock.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Maybe it's a printing problem, stemming from a mistake made by a newbie Bethelite?

    Someone mixed up the invisible ink bottle for India ink, when loading the machine which stamps the spines of publications with the, "use by 1975" stamp.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Here's actual words spoken by a JW, when asked about changes in policy:

    "well, what are they supposed to do, if they know something is wrong? Continue with a wrong policy?"

    This person sees the changes as a strength, demonstrating flexibility in the GB, proving their sympathy and love for the flock.

    In reality, they're just happy that something that a practice that once was forbidden is now allowed, or downgraded from DFing offense to a matter of conscience, so they can continue doing it as they've always done (or wanted to), except without experiencing the guilt and fear of being caught (eg bedroom laws pertaining to oral sex).

  • james_woods
    This person sees the changes as a strength, flexibility in the GB, proving their sympathy and love for the flock. They're just happy that something that was forbidden is now allowed, or downgraded from Dfing offense to a matter of conscience.

    Are they also happy that when the "generation that would see the end" prophecy failed, new light redefined a generation as basically meaningless - it now just means as long as any JWs are still alive, somebody will see the end, somehow.

    Did they ever ask themselves - how could stuff still be wrong and need correction when we are rolling up on 100 years now of the Watchtower people being selected as god's only true and correct followers?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Yeah, they don't question why there'd be a NEED for changes in policy (that's easily disarmed by labeling it as "new light"), they focus on the BENEFITS of the change, or interpreting flexibility as a strength.

    I get the impression that this person deep-down "in their inner-most parts" knows that it's not the truth, but like many JWs finds it easier to just follow the crowd: the price of buying ones release from slavery is too costly.

    Hmm, maybe that's what the condemnation of "men kept for unnatural purposes" refers to: entire families who allow themselves to be locked into the JWs to do the door-to-door work, kept via techniques of psychological enslavement, are condemned for allowing themselves to be "kept"? ;)

  • carla

    Yeah, they don't like when you ask them what the expiration date is on 'current' light. Everything they are being taught today may very well be 'old light' by next month. Their 'faith' is completely dependent upon whatever the gb tells them it is this week.

  • WTWizard

    In Satanism, things that were true 12,000 years ago are still true today even if the Judeo-Christians destroyed all the evidence in their attempts to conquer the world. And if they were true 12,000 years ago, they were just as true 12 trillion years ago. And will continue being true until the end of time--even as the filthy angels exploit them to ruin lives.

    In Christi-SCAM-ity, things change all the time. Originally, Jesus was fully Jewish. Now, certain Christian denominations are trying to teach that Jesus is all-white. One or both of those statements has to be wrong. Either Jesus is Jewish and cannot be fully white, he is fully white (or one of the other Gentile races) and cannot be Jewish, or he didn't exist at all and both statements are wrong. Yet, each religion claims their version is the truth and can change some 20 years from now. Hey, there are even churches these days claiming that Jesus was gay! Unthinkable 40 years ago.

    Within the witlesses, it is even shorter. I can remember when "a generation" was the group of people alive in 1914. That changed 3 times since 1990 alone. Not to mention, things that are blatant lies--like it's not being double donation to donate for littera-trash when you pick it up and again after you place it. Or, things that change within contiguous paragraphs or even within two contiguous sentences within one paragraph within the rags. Or, one version in the Showcase Washtowel or Asleep! and another version in the Kool-Aid Washtowel or the Kingdumb Misery.

  • Finkelstein

    Where there is no reality there is no truth.

    So true Terry

    And there's no truth in the WTS. or the men who started it, it is an organization though of lies and corruption spurred

    on by a semblance of a wanting greed for power and control.

    An agreed to set of lies proliferated by the commercialization of a publishing house.

  • Terry

    Here's actual words spoken by a JW, when asked about changes in policy:

    "well, what are they supposed to do, if they know something is wrong? Continue with a wrong policy?"

    "Here is what YOU are supposed to do when THEY know something is wrong and must change it: ASK THEM WHY THEY THINK JEHOVAH IS GUIDING THEM!"

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