Do you think this message would tempt me back to the loving arms of the cong?

by HappyOutsideTheBox 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Splash

    Tell her you never said any such thing and unless she has two witnesses to it then she should apologise, stop believing everything she's told, and stop judging.


  • 00DAD

    Hi Sis, love you too!

  • puffthedragon

    Tell her to read her bible, Song of Solomon, and get back to you.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I don't know all the family dynamics here, but I don't think you need to respond to your sister. The fact that your 25 year-old nephew reports personal conversations to his mommy tells me that he must be 25 going on 4. Maybe your sister has trained him to blab every personal conversation. But most boys learn before their teens to just tell their mom, "we talked about sports and stuff," rather than say, "we talked about what girls we'd like to bang."

    Now you can be sure that anything you say to him will get "reported to the boss"! I really feel sorry for that dude's girlfriend.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Just text her...... "Laters ,Babe"

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    ummm on to a much more serious topic for us readers of "Fifty Shades " , Do you have pictures of your nephew and do you care to share them ??

  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    Thanks for all your comments

    Totally agree about the sadness of a 25 yr old blabbing to his mother!

    Indeed Solomon and his daliances plus a whole load of references that are read as normal if they are in the WT ....

    Maybe I should send a copy of the book, although I have to say I have it on Kindle and will probably not read much of it as I find the writing style fairly poor and the obvious content is fairly predictable. It is certainly not a modern day Lady Chatterly's Lover although the media would have one thing differently!

    I've decided I won't respond to the email. I have no problem with 'me' and I have no intention of having someone engahge me in a war of words and guilt trips for choosing to live, and speak, of subjects that are normal out with the cong.

    Happy Families!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow. I'm more concerned about someone becoming a stalker of your nephew. I'd just write her back and call her a Pharisee.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thinking a little more about this, I still wouldn't respond to sis.

    Instead, I'd forward her email to the nephew and explain "mommy, daddy, and big brother say I can't talk to you anymore because you reported to them that I have a potty-mouth. ;-P Just don't tell them about your girlfriend!"

  • PaintedToeNail

    Perhaps your nephew just told his mom you called, and she queried him. He may have off-handly refered to what you talked about. She may have then demanded more info, as only mothers know how to do. Most men can't handle harassment by their mother, and cave in easily, just to be left alone. Your sister JUST got back from the convention, she was being hyper-vigilant due to just having been indoctrinated for days. Give her a month, she will not be so ridiculous.

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