Do you think this message would tempt me back to the loving arms of the cong?

by HappyOutsideTheBox 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    A 25 year old relative of mine was being stalked last week by an older woman. The police were involved and the perpetrator arrested.

    As it was the convention and his uber zealous, hypocritical mother- AKA my sister, was going to be absent from home I called to see how he was doing. In the course of the conversation I referred to 50 shades of grey' (the stalker had fantasised about him being Mr Grey). I mentioned that folks do all sorts and that even my neighbour is now having 2 guys round for sex ( the walls of the property are not very sound proof so nothing is left to the imagination).

    I tried to make him chill out about the whole thing and realise that life in the 'world' has changed but that - hey - just live and let live and get on with his own life with his girlfriend and not to worry. I even thought I had succeeded as he laughed and joked with me throughout the conversation. Imagine my surprise when I received this at 7.41 this morning from my sister:

    "Wanted to say that was nice of you to give xxxxxx a phone call on Friday regarding his difficulties.

    What I don't find so nice is the quality of conversation you find acceptable to use with your nephew. It is sadly obvious that what you find appropriate in the way of sexual references and behaviour in this 'liberated' life you have is no longer on our or his wavelength.

    It is highly disgusting to me to return from the convention and hear from my son how far you have distanced yourself from what is clean.

    And before you go on your high horse, this opinion is shared by (her other son who left the 'truth 15 years ago has had a string of relationships and is living with his girlfriend) and (her husband - who vacillates in and out of the 'truth' and has had problems in every congregation that they have been in).

    If you feel inclined to speak to us again don't use such vulgar and unacceptable speech"

    So, what do you think folks -is that worthy of a reply?

    I am SO glad to be out of that hypocritical narrow minded controlling way of life!


  • irondork

    Dear Sis:

    I'm sorry you were offended by my innocuous conversation with (nephew). But I'm rather enjoying the camaraderie I have with my 25 year-old, adult nephew and unless he tells me otherwise... well.

    BTW sis, your tits look awesome!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    She sounds exactly how my sister responded when I had the hide to send a relative a birthday gift.

    She says she's responding on behalf of the 3 of them but I'm quite sure it's just her that's been offended. You have to remember how uptight the JWs are about sex. What we might think is normal conversation between 2 adults is considered vulgar and disgusting by these sexually repressed brainwashed JWs.

    Ignore her note and when talking to your nephew next, just suggest that he be more discreet in what he discusses with his mother.

    PS. ROTFLOL @ irondork!

  • Soldier77

    Tell sorry, already on my high horse. The high horse of life! Now, go f*** yourself!

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Send her a copy of 50 Shades....that should do it .

  • zeb

    quote her the para from King James version where Elijah queries where Baal has gone.. look it up.

    But no its their journey let them have it.

  • Aware!

    You are giving her a bad testimony and making her stumble!

  • Lozhasleft

    How nasty that she turned what was a loving caring gesture from you into something sordid that she could criticise! I think you should reply and tell her to get over her self righteousness before she does herself an injury, and mention that her son laughed and joked along so that you felt you'd helped him....contrary to her opinions.

    Loz x

  • yknot


    Some JW moms just don't know how/when to cut the apron strings.....

    (and on the other end of the spectrum is JW moms who don't see their children much more than accessories at the KH, born to make the moms look good through the child's expected perfect dubbie behavior)

  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    Thanks everyone.

    Isn't it good we can see this with humour?

    I look now at the controlling attitude that permeates everything they do (i.e. all witnesses not just my family) and can't believe I put up with it and probably perpetrated it myself over the years.

    Thankfully now - it's live and let live!


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