A happy life for a gay ex-JW

by Steve_C 22 Replies latest social relationships

  • Heartofaboy

    Lovely photo Steve, you both look so happy.

    I was given the same advice by an elder as given to you when I was engaged to be married, 'Trust in Jehovah'.

    Luckily I lacked faith that good ole Jah would help me get a 'woody' on the wedding night & called the whole looming nightmare off.

    Now I have met a lovely guy & we have very happy & naturally loving times together.

    I am not out to my family or straight friends etc. but just being able to be who I really am to this guy makes me so happy.


  • Steve_C

    Thanks to all of you for your comments and for sharing your stories, too. It's heartwarming to feel your support and understanding.

    @jamiebowers: LOL, the way our situation ended up almost makes me believe in angelic direction

    @darthweef: I'm so happy to hear that your coming out to your wife was a positive experience and didn't create enemies. Your "awkward lovemaking" comment made me laugh because I can so identify with it. When we got married, my new bride and I didn't even consummate the marriage until three days later, during our honeymoon trip to—where else?—San Francisco!

    @irondork: Wow, thanks for sharing your story! It makes me wonder if the elders would have let you have a male roommate...damned either way. It's great that you both learned TTATT and you don't have to give a damn anymore about what any elders think. Your friend sounds like a true best friend, and I'm sure you'll find a way to discuss what's best for both of your futures.

    @Hoab: Once again, you've provided proof positive that elders are not trained professional counselors and have no business giving certain types of advice. I'm glad you found someone with whom you can be yourself and enjoy happiness. I chuckled at your wedding night woody comment. So, how did yours truly and his lesbian wife manage in the bedroom? Well, let's just say that the majority of conjugal visits wouldn't have happened unless at least one of us had been drinking, LOL.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    That gave me chills! How wonderful for you and your family! That photo is beautiful of you and your daughter smiling into each other. Very good to hear your story.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wow! Your family really dodged quite a few painful WT land mines over the years.

    Thanks for sharing the happy finale with us.


  • Kudra

    Wow, you are so fortunate. Glad that things have worked out so well for you and for all the other folks who have similar situations -so many here!

    I have some close friends who had a similar situation- they are still married for insurance reasons but he has a signiifcant other and she has had other relationships. They have a daughter and a really close family which is super unorthodox but more loving and caring than many a straight, typical, father-mother-kids family I have known...

  • Wilfried


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I doubt that Awake! will publish your story. But yours is a truly happifying experience. Thanks for sharing!

  • Steve_C

    @Kudra: Yep, there are so many non-traditional families out there that are thriving. If you've seen Mrs. Doubtfire, the movie's final words about what constitutes "family" always brings me to tears.

    @Billy: I should know better than to be drinking something while reading your posts—now I have to clean the coffee from my monitor! You always crack me up

  • blindnomore

    Thank you for posting your story. I have been having a depressing day over a Watchtower Pedophile Protection Program. Your story made me smile. I love picture of you and your daughter. You and your ex are great parents!

  • glenster

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