
by SophieG 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    OK! SO here are some of my pet-peeves I have developed over the years:

    That blasted Revelation Climax book! Studied it 4 times (?) and ended up wondering WHO was on drugs… was it John or the WTS!!! After the 3rd study I was convinced that most of it was tripe and scriptural porn!

    The worship of COs/DOs/GB. Um…there are just MEN, but yet the friends idolize them. I was never impressed and I made sure they knew. I never introduced myself to the last CO and told a brother I straight up did not like him.

    Oohh the people who like to get personal about other folks business in their comments…ask me if I would not turn my head and look at them like: REALLY? You really WENT THERE!?!

    Brothers who mistakenly think they can talk to sisters any old kinda way because they are a brother. I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY ISSUES WITH HEADSHIP EXERCISED WITH LOVE AND RESPECT…I craved for it, but let me tell you something…it did not matter, brother, MS, elder- if you talk to me like I am your servant…you get a neck-roll!!!....LOL!

    The 3 grounds for separation. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! No scriptural basis whatsoever, to keep abused spouses in bondage. Oh and telling me, the abused spouse that I have no grounds for divorce and asking what me what am I going to do. Me: Blink*Blink*: Get grounds dummy! I mean really…I am dead serious about not staying with this joker….do you not understand I am not afraid to face the consequences for my actions!?! The only person I live in fear of is Jehovah…wait…DOES HE REALLY EXIST SINCE MY BELIEF SYSTEM HAS BEEN SHOT?

    Disfellowshipping. Sigh…ok…I slowly learned to ignore it. Frankly, questioning my loyalty to Jehovah (Oh wait…oh…see above) is not fair. I love my friends/family who were DFd…the LAST thing I want to do is cut off communication. The NORMAL thing to do IS TO TALK TO THEM…if you want them back. The rebel that I am, if I saw a DFd person I would say: hello. It’s cruel to act like a person is a leper…cross the road…avoid them. I guess I am going to burn in hell….OH WAIT! HA! NO HELL!

    My husband telling me that Jehovah will still consider us married in the New System. Me telling him to tell Jehovah I want a pretty pink fireball at Armageddon, cuz if I have to be married to him, I rather be bird food.

    Telling folks to simplify and preach more so that they don’t have decent jobs with health insurance and when they get ill I am asked to donate my 401K to assist them. While I feel their pain…UM NO!

    Telling folks not to go to college….BUUUT elder so and so’s kids get shipped out to Ivy Leagues.

    And drumroll: SPARLOCK! OMG! Did they really go there??? How can JW parents not SEE the clear message is thought/behavior control, no freedom of choice..oh..wait…next a discourse on not taking your kids to Disneyland is coming…wait for it…wait for it…

    SIGH…I got more…but this is kinda getting LOOONG!!!! LOLOL!!!


  • straightshooter

    Thanks for telling your story and welcome to this forum. Your statements are so true. How I wish I came to the same understanding when I was young.

  • blindnomore

    You were asked to donate your 401K?

    Do you know what you can do with your 401K? You can withdraw from 401K as you wish and invest it in pretty much anything you want(some exception), you never have to worry paying tax on capital gain. Did you know how valuble 401K is for you even now and the Watchtower tried to steal it from you? So that they can make tax free money out of your 401K? You need to get the h*** out of from that thief's cave ASAP!

  • SophieG

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