Why I HATE the WTS

by berrygerry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    As a baby-boomer, I went through the pre-1975 BS without giving it any credence.

    Even as a youngster, my mind said: "If Jesus said that no man knows the day or hour, then why the H is everyone saying that A is coming in Oct. 1975?" and I left as a teen.

    For whatever insane reason, I was convinced to return a number of years later, and sadly, got dunked.


    In previous posts, I have mentioned my endearing love of great rock (God bless rock and roll), esp. my teen faves BTO, etc.

    Attending this concert ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YukhsMPHvvo  ) and watching Fred Turner's fingers drive me crazy, as one of my children has music in his soul and the fingers of a protégé.

    I hate that this cult destroys the orgasmic satisfaction that comes from the giving and receiving of pleasure from each others' developed or natural talents or gifts.

    God bless rock and roll.

  • goingthruthemotions

    i too despise this cult...

    if i could turn back time, just have one wish. i would go back and just say NO!



  • prologos

    Dont let your attitude toward the WT inc. inhibit your orgasms. 

    It is not worth it*.

  • Vidiot

    berrygerrry - "God bless rock and roll."

    God loves rock and roll.

    He even said so in Haggai 2:7 (at least in the NWT). ;)

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I've often wondered about this myself. How many "greats" has WT crushed by depriving a person the opportunity to gift the world with their talents?

    I despise the WT articles where some now-current JW recounts their story of being an: accomplished artist; musician; dancer; successful business person, etc., only to walk away from it all to "serve Jehovah" when they had the (misfortune) of crossing paths with a JW and getting sucked into the fantasy. 

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Vidiot: God loves rock and roll. He even said so in Haggai 2:7


    Yeah, but he doesn't like television so it's a wash.  (Matthew 17:9)

  • Vidiot

    Fundamentalism of any kind suffocates creativity.

    Realizing that was one of my little "a-ha" moments, and realizing that the WTS really were fundamentalist was the next.

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    I've often wondered about this myself. How many "greats" has WT crushed by depriving a person the opportunity to gift the world with their talents?

    Thank God they didn't succeed in crushing Michael Jackson's talent!

  • Vidiot

    Island Man - "Thank God they didn't succeed in crushing Michael Jackson's talent!"

    I hear you... from what I've read, it was the WTS's attempts to reign in his artistic tendencies that ultimately compelled him to leave.

    I don't think I'll ever be able to shake the feeling that his "eccentricities" were due - at least in part - to his JW upbringing.

  • NVR2L8
    I am also a baby boomer and I dropped out of high school at 16, married at 19 and became a father at 21. All these important steps in my life were motivated by the belief that the end was near and the uncertainty of how life would be after Armageddon. Would I be able to marry (have sex), have a family, would I die during the persecution and be resurrected only to remain single for eternity were some of the crazy questions I was asking myself. Many "friends" declined our invitation to attend our wedding because they disapproved us getting married so close to the end. Then my wife became pregnant during 1975...how reckless of us! But the end didn't come and now I had to face raising a family with no education and be a father in my early 20s. Of this whole situation I only regret not pursuing my education which resulted in having to work twice as hard as others to achieve success. Marrying young had its challenges but my wife and I loved each other from the start and becoming a grand father at 50 provides me the opportunity to enjoy time with my grand children, something I couldn't do since all my grandparents were gone before I reached the age of 3. Today I feel really sad for those who obeyed the WT cult and are without a spouse, children or didn't have a career because they still expect the end to come in their lifetime. Many are worn out and have to work hard at minimun wage instead of retiring because they are financially ruined. That could have been me. But instead the only thing between me and a comfortable retirement is that I love my well paying career that involves traveling  around  the world. But one question will remain unanswered...how much more could I have accomplished if I hadn't been shackled to the WT for 50 years? 

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