Watchtower Library NOT identical to printed publications

by cedars 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Note that difference in that '89 article occurs between the original magazine and the Bound Volume..... not between the Bound Volume and the WTLiB.

    If I was a JW and some Big Scary Apostate accused the WT of altering the text on the WTLiB, I would immediately challenge them to prove it, knowing full well that the WTLiB always reflects the latest printed edition and the BSA has just handed me his arse on a plate.

  • kurtbethel

    Yes, when you invest in a Watchtower Library CD, you have a PROSPECT of reading what was served up in the print edition.

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  • Balaamsass

    The bound volumes and YEARLY indexes from the 60s and 70s are Goldmines.

  • cedars

    kurtbethel - you will be shocked to learn that my Watchtower Library was ordered and received but NOT paid for by any contribution on my part!!

    This makes it less of a "gamble" for me, and more of a drain on the organization's already over-stretched finances!


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    disclaimer: the truth is subject to change without further notice. no refunds!

  • simon17

    Here's one reason they have this disclaimer:

    In all fairness have we ever even found another single change of anything from WT to Bound Volumn? Its always that one example from 1989 about the 20th century/our time. I chalk that up to almost like an actual typo. They didn't wait until 2000 to go back and change it; it slipped through and they went back and changed it as soon as they could that year. There's no point in going back and changing old stuff for the WTBS. There's so much they would have to change (virtually everything ever printed before 1950) that its just easier to ignore all the old stuff.

    This whole issue is really, in my opinion, a non-issue (especially when there are soooooooooooo many major issues with which to expose WTBS)

  • blindnomore

    Simon17, This issue may not huge for you and me but was for my watchtower apologist family. You should have seen his reaction to it. He opened his bound volume of 89 and insisted he ordered it back in 89. I happened to kept hard copies on both Watchtower and Awake from 1988-1995 some in my native language and some in English. It was like a revelation for him! I love it!

  • cedars

    Yes, simon17. Everyone responds differently to different things!


  • 00DAD

    simon17: There's so much they would have to change (virtually everything ever printed before 1950) that its just easier to ignore all the old stuff.

    True. Which is WHY all that "old stuff" isn't even on the WT CD.

  • ScenicViewer

    In all fairness have we ever even found another single change of anything from WT to Bound Volumn?

    One other example is from the 1957 Bound Volume, page 288. The original encouraged using the Theocratic War Strategy in field service, but in the reprinted Bound Volume the information was deleted.

    This difference shown here is from the original Bound Volume to the reprinted Bound Volume. I have not seen the original issue but I feel it likely would be the same as the original BV.

    Perhaps the Society has become a little embarrassed about the TWS, especially advocating it's use in the public door-to-door ministry.

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