Question for Atheists

by RWC 72 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AbaddonTwo

    For the first time I've had to get another name; but I think I can't be accused of duplicity with this...

    RWC;"But I would not agree that our morals are better now than in the past in the same respect you claim. For example, in the U.S. the divorce rate is now one in three in secular marriages."

    Yup, which means that you don't have people pretending to be together in just plain wrong marriages, abusive marriages, marriages with sexually incontinent partners.

    I think that broken marriages being allowed is better than fake marriages being common. My opinion, obviously.

    "However, marriages that are Christian based where the coouple attend church reqularly, study the Bible, and actively pray, the divorce rate is one in a thousand."

    Errrr, I have no doubt you believe those statistics, as I think you are utterly genuine. But [b]I[/u] would like a source please, and I would like to see the amount of 'self-selection' that the survey allows.

    There's a famous story of a newspaper that polled its reader over who would win the elction, and got it exactly wrong, as obviously, the paper had a certain political bias, and was read by people with that bias, and who would vote a certain way. How do you determine whetehr the people polled actaully do "attend church reqularly, study the Bible, and actively pray"

    The statistic you gave for secular marriages is wrong, by the way. For ALL marriages accross the USA, it is now over 50% (from memory).

    It's good you realise that other religions have their own moral code. The fact that it is soceity, as in people living together, which creates a moral code, rather than a religion that creates a moral code is nicely proven by the areas of agreement of various religions moral codes. Details differ, big things are the same.

    And you still talk of "individual moral beliefs" as if this were unique to athiest. Both religious people and athiestic people have "individual moral beliefs"... apart from cults where you are not allowed to use your conscience..., and in both cases they are reflections of the culture of that person, individual, but consonant.

    The pointless of differentiating between secular laws and religious laws is demonstrated by this staement of yours;

    "Laws and tangible harm are are good start, but people can act immorally without breaking any laws or causing tangible harm."

    Oh yes they can; but 'immoral' is just "against religious law", in the context you use it, so if you state it more carefully, people act 'immorally' when they break religous laws... but that DOESN'T stop them breaking them!

    And, you are right, everyone is biased. It's only dangerous when you stop being aware of it.

    Thanks for your best wishes regarding my redundancy; praying for me is a little like cooking ice-cream, but it's nice of you.

  • patio34

    AbbadonTwo said:

    Errrr, I have no doubt you believe those statistics, as I think you are utterly genuine. But I[/u] would like a source please, and I would like to see the amount of 'self-selection' that the survey allows.

    That reminds me of a quip made a few years back: [b]"In God we trust, but all others must provide data." Not that all here 'trust in God' either.


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • gravedancer

    When two different religions have a conflict in a segment of their moral code - how should it be dealt with?

    Should they go to war and the victor is promoted as moral?

    How is this situation different than a Christian and an atheist having a conflict in segments of their moral code? (shuddup...I am not daying atheism is a religion smartass....oops sorry just a pre-emptive strike against a possible twist)

    But there is common ground to be found between decent people no matter what their value or belief system. Where their is a difference in the value systems simple measures can be used such as:
    "will a live and let live solution work without anyone being harmed?"

    In 95% of cases tolerance for the other side will allow for peaceful co-existence. For the others the laws of society will likely suffice to keep crime under control. For societies out of control...they don't last - history has proven that. The survival of the species will win. survival does not necessarily get awared to the most brutal of the species either.

    Anyway time to go and evolve some fins are sore!!

  • AbaddonTwo

    gravedancer; that's easy; the religion with the better, badder god wins. It gets a bit confusing when it's a war between people from the same religion...

  • RunningMan

    Those who point to divorce statistics among religious and non-religious people are fooling themselves two ways.

    1. They think that divorce statistics are a measure of happiness and success, which they are not. Many times a person is miserable in an abusive relationship, but never gets divorced.

    2. They think religious people have fewer divorces - they do not. Let's settle this matter once and for all. Here are the stats for the United States, according to a study performed by the City University of New York:

    Notice that 9% of non-religious people are divorced,which is exactly the average. Whereas most Bible-thumping religions, like Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists, etc, exceed the average.


  • AbaddonTwo

    I love statistics; lets do what newspapers do, every day, make headlines out of nothing...

    Buddhists; the religion most likely to make you single!!
    (highest % of single people)

    Church of God; marry one and die!
    (highest % of widow/s/ers

    Pentecostals; marry one, but not for long!
    (highest % divorced, seperated)

    Single and want more sex? Then quit your religion, or just don't bother going to church!
    (no religion and non-denoms most likely to co-habit)

    Muslims; what do they do right we don't when selcting a marriage mate?
    (highest cumulative % of widows and divorces lowest)

    Born-Agains most likely to be married (to each other PRAISE THE LORD!)
    (highest % married)

  • peaceloveharmony

    runningman, thanks for posting that info. :)

    also want to say thanks to abaddon, enjoyed your posts on this thread as usual :)

  • pandora

    I want to know why this question is legitamate(I know. I can't spell). It has got to be one of the rudest questions I have ever heard. Not that you mean to be rude, RWC, but lets face it, it is. I mean, how would you feel if for some reason you made the decision not to believe in god. (I know this is far-fetched, but try to imagine) Would you change THAT drastically that now you would think something like Murder was right? Could you change your morals to something like that? NO Why would you?
    We ALL grew up in the same world. We were all taught our morals from childhood. Just because you have done research and found out that there is a possibility that god doesn't exist, doesn't change your childhood and all the morals you were taught and believed in. Nothing has changed in that respect. Except now there is NO excuse for killing. We who don't believe in god can't blame him for killing someone.
    Too many have died because of GOD.
    If anything we may have higher morals than those with religion. Only because those with religion can blame god. We can't. We know better.
    Just my thoughts. I don't mean to offend, but I feel slightly offended by the question.

  • RWC

    Pandora, the question I asked was not intended to offend. I was genuinely curious as to where those who do not believe in God or the Bible get their moral compass. Particuarly in our time when morals seem to be in such a downward spiral.


    I agree that people should not stay in abusive marriages and even in the Catholic church, those marriages can be dissolved. As for the statisitcs on marriages I do not understand the post from Runningman. If it is established that divorce rates in the U.S. are from 1/3 to 1/2, how can his stats. only show 9%? My source for my quote was a sermon. I will get the underlying data for you. But from experience I can tell you that the same behavior that I stated leads to marriages staying together, also leads to their happiness.

    Finally, I appreciate your thanks for the prayers. But I would say that even if you cook Ice Cream you get a result!!! It may not be what you want, but that is the same with prayer.

  • cellomould

    I think pandora, Abaddon, AlanF, gravedancer, and Xander made some good points.

    Returning to Patio's comments a while back about Gandhi,

    I have been reading his autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Gandhi would freely associate with Christians, Muslims, and Hindus of many castes. He discussed religion at length with people who disagreed with his beliefs.

    (RWC, check this out if atheism is not appealing to you at the moment)

    I believe this was crucial to his developing compassion for all types of people.

    Interestingly, he demonstrated a lack of compassion for his wife and children on several occasions. So he wasn't perfect. Plus, progressive ideas on gender equality did not abound in his era.

    Still, he was far ahead of his time in many ways.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

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