The WTS "Brain Drain"

by Quendi 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sulla

    Jesuit Scholar, I think you have identified the extermination of the last hope for JW schoarship. On the other hand, there never was much hope; it must be impossible to move from pyramids predicting the End to serious theology. Right?

    On the other hand, the Mormons show some signs of attempting to be taken more seriously. I've read serious defenses of some parts of their approach and heard of some LDS writers attempting to engage with non-LDS writers. Both of these small steps are impossible for JWs, it seems to me.

    On the other hand, the LDS have one of them university things, which is well-regarded.

  • metatron

    It's more than just doctrine or writing. I think various defectors have shown this brain drain to be affecting the organization at all levels, including their factories.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes i agree huge vaccum...but which morons came up with the generation that knew the generation idea...the dumbest doctrine in recent history.

  • Socrateswannabe

    Haven't they simply run out of compelling things to write about? Fred Franz and his cronies could beat the drum for 1975 and the supposed 6000 year anniversary of man's creation, and in the 1970's, the generation theory--those who were old enough to understand what was happening in 1914--was still (barely) valid. Now, any idea that there is a valid date to work for is gone. What biblical prophecy could they possibly hang their hat on at this point, that will inspire R&F confidence? Fred was crazy enough or gutsy enough to let it all hang out and go for a date. Present GB members don't have that kind of fire, and, they're simply out of ammo!

  • Quendi

    I've enjoyed reading the different postings to this thread. They certainly represent a broad range of opinions with respect to WTS literature. I have to think that many of the rank-and-file have noticed the appreciable drop in the amount of material being published by the Society and that more than a few are wondering what this means. I doubt that any would draw the conclusion that the reduction in quantity means "The End" is very close. If anything, were there any truth to the Society's central tenet, we would expect the volume and quality of writings to increase several-fold as Jehovah prepared the organization for the Great Tribulation, Armageddon and their aftermaths. Instead, we are seeing releases that can best be described as inadequate, incomplete and insufficient.

    I doubt that any of this troubles the present leadership. They are all "company men" increasingly concerned with keeping a strong grip on their power rather than nurturing any spiritual growth among Witnesses. And there seems to be a notable lack of concern about what post-Armageddon life would be like. There is certainly a marked increase in apathy and even pessimism in the organization as the years go by and hopes grow dim. Right now, I would say that the Governing Body is on auto-pilot with fuel running low. They are hoping they can get to a landing field in time. Barring that, maybe some are thinking that if they can hold on long enough to finally quit Brooklyn and retire to the new headquarters in the New York countryside, they won't have to care about anything else.


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