The WTS "Brain Drain"

by Quendi 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quendi

    I posted this on another thread and am pasting it here to start a new one because I would be interested in getting others' thoughts on it.

    There has been a downward spiral in the quality of the written publications since the death of Fred Franz in December 1992. Whatever else can be said about Franz, the man did have some education and his writing was of good quality. Others in the Writing Department also had some skill and command of language that gave cogency to their work. But since Franz's death, a huge leadership vacuum has opened in the WTS. It certainly has not helped that men like Ted Jaracz and Gerrit Lösch assumed the reins of power and drove the organization in the direction of deeper ignorance.

    But even before Franz died, there was a movement away from real scholarship and research. Some of that can be traced to the purge that led to the ouster of Raymond Franz, Ed Dunlap and others in 1980 who were not only free thinkers but quite intelligent. Barbara Anderson was also part of that group of workers at Bethel whose contributions were very important. Their departures were bad enough, but the situation was made worse by the organization's refusal to recruit and train replacements.

    The WTS never in its darkest dreams imagined that the twenty-first century would see "this old system" still going strong. We were supposed to be well along in the first century of the Millennium by now and the Kingdom would take care of any needs for teachers, trainers, mentors, writers, etc. Because the organization failed to prepare for a future in this world, it now finds itself preparing to fail. It cannot meet the need for adequate reading and training materials let alone produce deep works on prophecy, exegesis and hermeneutics. Matters will only get worse as time goes on.


  • WTWizard

    That is about the only recycling they ever do. No recycling bins at the Kingdumb Hell. They do recycle spiritual monosodium glutamate, though.

    Hopefully, their compact fluorescent light bulbs will be nearing the end of their lives and will blow soon. I am not donating any of my LED lights from Father Satan--all 6500 K of color temperature and a CRI of 100. The light bulbs the witlesses are stuck with have a color temperature barely 2700 K and a crappy spectrum--and hopefully will blow soon.

  • slimboyfat

    I thought the Creator book was actually quite well written, in 1998 I think. Who wrote that?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Excellent observation, Quendi; one need only review the releases at the current series of District conventions to observe their curent debilitated intellectual state ... the "Sparlock" DVD and a pulp-fiction brochure glorification of the "Governing Body" (case-sensitive) ....

  • DesirousOfChange

    Sitting through the Congregation Book Bible Study of the ACTS BOOK is an absolute SLEEPER. How could anyone screw up one of the most vibrant books of the Bible. Yet, it is the Award Winner of any new publications. Look at the new brochures from last year's Dist Conv. They are picture books. They are strictly for Dumb and Dumber.

    I'm sure that the leaders of the WTS are AFRAID to have any further indepth writting, particularly anything such as done by Fred Franz regarding 6,000 years of mankind's existance and 1975 as the end of the System of Things. They are serving up Pablum. They likely know they are losing and failing to attract anyone with the ability to think and reason. Their efforts are best spent on the uneducated, illiterate, uninformed, disadvantaged, and disillusioned.


  • Sapphy

    The target audience now is composed of children and the illiterate.

    The only hefty doctrinal point of recent years is the 'explanation' of the overlapping genneration, and they've cocked that up so badly they have to pull an 'emperors new clothes' routine on the dubs aka, "if you dont understand it it's your fault for not studying enough".

    To any lurkers who are thinking that they can't quite grab "the deep things of God" remember this phrase:

    It's not too DEEP to UNDERSTAND, it's too STUPID to BELIEVE.

    Start trusting your own mind, and stop waiting on Jehovah. What if this is the only life you have?

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    Interesting observations there, Quendi. Several years ago when I did a major research project on WT doctrine, I noticed a similar thing following the death of Russell. Misguided though he was, Russell was at least a highly intelligent man and his writings hung together very well. The whole system which he constructed fit together as a coherent whole and, given his premises, his arguments could be seen as very compelling.

    When Rutherford took over and handed the patch-up job following the failure of 1914 to Woodworth and Fisher (The Finished Mystery) it was immediately clear that these guys simply didn't have a clue how to apply the basic presmises. Rutherford also was pretty clueless and relied heavily on blustering and bullying tactics.

    I didn't observe a return to anything like the standard of writing Russell had set in the books of Fred Franz, and at least once he appeared to have forgotten what he had written earlier on a topic. (Can't say what that was off the top ofmy head - I'd have to look it up. Will if anyone wants me to.) There was a bit of an improvement with some of the reference books like Equipped for Every Good Work, All Scripture is Inspired and the Bible dictionary. But it was extremely conservative scholarship adapted to WT ends.

    So the downturn which you observe, Quendi, fits a trend which began with the death of Russell. And the Rutherfordesque bullying of the rank and file into unquestioning acceptance of the oracles of the Wise Old Men can only serve to ensure that this trend will continue.

    Rob Crompton

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    So the downturn which you observe, Quendi, fits a trend which began with the death of Russell. And the Rutherfordesque bullying of the rank and file into unquestioning acceptance of the oracles of the Wise Old Men can only serve to ensure that this trend will continue.

    Yup, great post.

    Any lurker SHOULD be asking themselves WHY the writing skills of the spiritual medium should even be relevant, since ALL ideas of a prophet are supposed to be due divine inspiration, an accurate reflection of His message. So why should the quality of the message change, if it stems from the same Divine source?

    What scripture was it that said God could even make the rocks cry out to reveal his wishes, if he wanted? So YHWH supposedly can inspire even an inanimate object to convey his message, but unfortunately He's quite powerless to accurately transmit his message via men, due to limitations of their personal writing (which no doubt stems from their boring personalities)?

  • simon17

    Don't blame the WTS on this one. The whole country is suffereing from brain drain. This has been accelerated since No Child Left Behind, in my opinion, but the vast majority of kids coming out of high school are woefully pathetic in basic skills and even more atrocious in critical thinking and analysis skills. There are still some bright spots in specialized high schools or in good high school's AP programs, but beyond those, our education system is well tailored to making every child uniformly uneducated.

  • TheOldHippie

    I agree with slimboyfat that Creator was a good book. And The Greatest Man.

    But - WHO AND WHERE IS THE KING OF THE NORTH? The Soviet Union and company did fit hand in glove. I miss him. All was so neat.

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