Atheists: Lowest Retention Rate Next to JWs

by breakfast of champions 173 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    Many athesits tick Christian---when asked why they said because they want to be viewed as good people.

    I know someone that ticked 'spiritual' on an online forum. Then he said he was not a believer at all. i asked, "Why did you tick spiritual?" He said he didn't know.

    But as far as 'retention' rates---we are not actually an organization. We don't retain or lose----people just come to conclusions and they are not always honest about them because of hostility. Remember that poll that said that people trusted atheists as much as they trusted rapists? There is good reason to not be open.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Can't trust polls completely. Wouldn't be surprised if the number is even lower for both atheists and JW's.

    I'm still counted as a JW and a Catholic.

    You should have been part of the poll.

  • Berengaria
    King Solomon:
    I (respectfully :-) disagree that atheists do not try to convert others.
    That may be more true of the 30% atheists who are raised as atheists, who take it for granted, than for those who "converted" to atheism after disillusionment with religion.
    My experience is that exJW atheists do try to persuade others, especially exJWs, quite dogmatically in fact.

    I would be very curious to hear some examples. In my experience, simply standing your ground as an atheist labels you as "dogmatic". Not to mention we are continually told that we will "come to our senses", or "we are only angry with god," or something equally condescending like

    Wouldn't be surprised if the number is even lower for both atheists and JW's.
  • HintOfLime

    It's not as if there is some corrupt atheist headquarters insisting and threatening people not to associate with "disfellowshipped athiests".

    Without a central, corrupt influence - frankly I'm not surprised that people don't feel trapped in atheism to the degree they are in other world views. Some may feel they can do better elsewhere - and best of luck to them and their wallet.

    - Lime

  • binadub


    I'm only speaking of my own experience and that on another forum. There are some atheists I count as very good friends. Maybe that's why they (exJW atheists) might have tried to sway me and some of our mutualr friends. I also note quite a bit of atheist rebuttal on this forum (just an observation)--this thread if you want an example.

    I usually don't even get into the debates, but I thought this initial post was interesting; that's all.


  • Berengaria
    I also note quite a bit of atheist rebuttal on this forum (just an observation)--this thread if you want an example.
    Well thanks for making my point Binadub. Unless we simply lower our eyes and agree, we are considered to be trying to convert, or being dogmatic.
  • FlyingHighNow
    Not to mention we are continually told that we will "come to our senses", or "we are only angry with god," or something equally condescending like

    Most people aren't being condescending when they say things like that. I know that I've seen enough people, including myself, who have been angry with God and lose any belief in God. I understand there are atheists who will remain atheists. There are also atheists who will not remain atheists. It's not a bad thing either way. You're pretty clear about being sensitive to this subject, Beks, for some reason. I never meant to hurt your feelings. Maybe sometimes people mean to be condescending, but a lot of times they don't mean to be. I know the comment I just made was not meant to be condescending. It's certainly a possbility that poll isn't accurate. The retention rates could be lower, but they could also be higher. It would take someone supernatural to know for sure.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    King Solomon:

    I (respectfully :-) disagree that atheists do not try to convert others.

    The thing I LOVE is when theists claim that atheism is a religion, as if they can paint us with the same dirty brush that painted them, suggesting that, underneath it all, we're really no different from them. I take that as a nasty character attack and a personal insult, actually. :)

    Of course, that's when I point out the lack of any demand to do anything to be saved, to convert others, to tithe money, to sacrifice anything to a blood-thirsty deity, to close one's eyes and say, "I really DO believe in Peanut Butter, so I clap my hands!!", etc.

    The "you're just close-minded" charge is funny, too, as if I should feel compelled to believe in ANY imaginary being that's ever been suggested to exist, since I cannot disprove they DON'T exist... I say that God himself could clear it up YESTERDAY by presenting proof of his own existence: then I'd be forced to believe in Him, based on my own belief system. But God always seems to be too busy to do that (for the last... eh, forever? I know, I know: he's pretty heavily booked, making personal appearances on a burnt tortilla in Mexico City, etc.)

    But yeah, I knew that would come up when I wrote those words, so thanks for taking the bait and allowing me to expound on the point. :)

    When I challenge a theist to question their beliefs, I don't do it for ANY ulterior motives (like a reward from YHWH of everlasting life, or 70 virgins in Heaven, etc) aside from those motives that we ALL are susceptible to: namely, whateever thrills are to be had from the ego boost of proving you're right, and the reinforcement of the belief that we can have an effect on others. Besides, it's always nicer to have others agree with you than to disagree with you.

    However, when I think of MY childhood, the most influential story in my young mind was the King's New Clothes, where the little boy points out the PLAIN TRUTH that no one else dares to speak: the King is standing butt-naked. There are no magical threads that are woven into clothes that only wise people can see. It's a cautionary tale of the dangers of group-think, and the tendency of humans (who are social animals) to want to cluster, whether physically, or in their beliefs.

    Heck, I'd argue that giving into group-think (or the ability to FAKE it) has greater survival value, from an evolutionary standpoint. Most women are conditioned to see a "God-fearing" man as desirable, since whether it's true or not, they assume it means they're dealing with a male who's a productive member of the group, a joiner, a good family man. Rational free-thinkers are often the outcasts, the loners, the odd-balls. Mind you, I'm not saying it's TRUE, just that it's the stereotype (which is by definition, what most believe). And as the old saying goes, perception is EVERYTHING, esp when it comes to reproduction (evolution IS a popularity poll).

    My "Jesus", as it were, is Socrates, the guy the Greeks put to death back in 500BC for asking too many difficult questions (he challenged youths' beliefs of in the Greek pantheon, something considered traitorous to the State. Questioning the existence of the State-approved deities was NOT a smart move for him, but he knew what he was doing). While I admire what he did, I certainly don't pray to him, or worship a statue, or would even die for a cause.

    Along those lines, we all know many Xians who don't actually BELIEVE the theology, but find it convenient to simply follow the crowd because there are consequences for not doing so, whether it be financial, social (JWs shunning "apostates": need I say more?), or otherwise. I know a Mormon optometrist who cannot believe that Joseph Smith had "magic glasses" that allowed him to translate the golden tablets: the guys far too sharp for that.... HOWEVER, he was raised in the faith, and practices where many of his patients are fellow LDS; like JWs, once you're in that community, an exit strategy is next-to-impossible to pull off, unless you're willing to lose almost everything.

    My experience is that exJW atheists do try to persuade others, especially exJWs, quite dogmatically in fact. On the other hand, I do not try to persuade neophyte atheists away from their perspective, since I believe they have made a fairly informed intentional decision.

    Well you bring up a point I like to make:

    I don't want anyone to NOT believe in God based on my non-belief: I want them to be able to rationally and cogently EXPLAIN WHY they don't believe in supernatural forces. If they accept my beliefs without understanding WHY I hold them, then they're only setting themselves up for relying on the next person that tells them anything. In other words, I want people to think rationally under their own steam, on their own two feet, ALA the goal of Socrates.

    If they give me grief, I shut up. I don't win anything but personal satisfaction of knowing that I'm supporting the free exchange of ideas. :)

    God perspective has little to do with intelligence or education.

    Actually, I think there IS an association of non-belief with education level; you might google for it....

    However, you can never know what people actually believe, eg some intelligent, educated people I know are closet atheists, but professing that in public means theyd lose their business associates (esp in JWs, where disfellowshipping for a small-business owner can mean a loss of customers, employees, etc).

  • Berengaria
    Not to mention we are continually told that we will "come to our senses", or "we are only angry with god," or something equally condescending like
    Most people aren't being condescending when they say things like that. I know that I've seen enough people, including myself, who have been angry with God and lose any belief in God. I understand there are atheists who will remain atheists. There are also atheists who will not remain atheists. It's not a bad thing either way. You're pretty clear about being sensitive to this subject, Beks, for some reason. I never meant to hurt your feelings. Maybe sometimes people mean to be condescending, but a lot of times they don't mean to be. I know the comment I just made was not meant to be condescending. It's certainly a possbility that poll isn't accurate. The retention rates could be lower, but they could also be higher. It would take someone supernatural to know for sure.

    You can't be an atheist AND be angry at god. You're simply throwing a tantrum.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Thats because atheists (Ricky Gervais) "don't believe in 2,870 gods", Dubs are close to atheists as they don't believe in 2,869.

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