Flyer I made

by Jonathan Drake 22 Replies latest members private

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    I need feed back on this 1914 flyer. I used info found on jwfacts. Any feed back would be appreciated.
  • Jonathan Drake
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    My personal strategy is to ignore the 587 versus 607 fact because it could get technical and rely on an argument of authority (No matter how right the authorities are.)

    I simply emphasize the three distinct teachings on 1914 that they have made in the last 130 some years.

    1. The last days were from 1799-1914. The Millennium was to start at 1914. Armageddon was a 40 year period from 1874-1914 and was supposed to consist of a social collapse that started gradually but was supposed to increase as the years went by. Documentation of this can be found in Charles Russell's book The Time is at Hand.
    2. The last days started at 1914. Armageddon and the Millennium was supposed to have started within the lifetime of those who were alive in 1914. That teaching became untenable as that 'generation' started getting older approaching the point where all of them would have died out.
    3. The last days started in 1914 and will last throughout an unspecified period of time referred to as "overlapping generations". The concept of "overlapping generations" is an incomprehensible explanation.

    Every time they changed their 1914 doctrine it was because their prophecy was obviously falsified by the progression of history.

  • steve2

    Overly technical and likely to cause readers who don't know the JWs to switch off.

    I'm not sure who your intended readership is.

    Do you intend to do a massive leaflet drop or target selected individuals?

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake


    its meant to be more selective originally but I thought why not make it look more official. I got to thinking that there was no easy way to show how 1914 is wrong. So I decided to make something like this for people like me who have believing relatives. But really, any witness would be a target.

    its not really meant for the public as much more than something they have to give THEM. The public doesn't even have to read it, just give it.

  • whathappened

    Your flyer is very visually attractive and it is apparent that you worked really hard on it.

    I wish I were not this extremely anal, but I did notice some punctuation errors. It might be a good idea to have it proofread before you go to print for people like me who find that kind of thing distracting.

    I personally hate anything having to do with numbers, so this flyer wouldn't have swayed me at all while I was still in. There are however, many Witnesses that are into this aspect of Watchtower doctrine.

    I applaud your effort and admire you for caring enough to put in all the work that went into this.

    Post your final version for us so that we can all have access to it if the need arises.

    Best wishes to helping JWs wake up. We need all the activists we can get.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Jonathan, your timeline is in reverse chronological order. You will definitely need to correct that.
  • steve2

    It could be the way I phrased my question but I couldn't quite follow your answer Jonathan:

    its not really meant for the public as much more than something they have to give THEM. The public doesn't even have to read it, just give it. ?

    Do you mean you give it to householders to hand to witnesses? If so, why would the public do so - what would their interest be in doing so? Or have I misunderstood your answer?

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake


    i was thinking most people already see JWs as annoying. If they have something as a deterrent that is going to throw them off and likely keep them away they may like that.

    this is stil new tho I might just reword a few places and make it for specific situations like mine

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    I just finished fixing the timeline. is there any chance someone could help with punctuation? It's been a while since high school English lol

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