Unity-the 2nd time around

by JAVA 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    Hi all,

    Someone looked at my Web page and sent the following:

    "It seems that whenever ex JW's read about other ex JW's stories and points of view, we feel like, at some point, we've read each other's minds! Everything makes sense!"

    It's an intriguing comment, and I wondered if others felt the same way. We boasted "unity" as JWs, thinking that implied God's approval and blessing. Most ex-Witnesses have gone in different directions with diverse religious views, but the fellowship of former Witnesses seems united when sharing our stories. Unknowingly, we've returned full circle and found unity the 2nd time around. How interesting!

    JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • SixofNine

    Great topic. Great points.

    It reminds me of how a non-thinking witness (like I used to be) can hear the term "abstain from blood" and decide that it is a prohibition on blood being used for its replacement value. In that sentence their thoughts do perish.

    Same with the term unity. I used to struggle with the odd dichotomy of an organization that I was sure did not have Christlike love amongst its members, yet I could not argue that we were not unified.

    And there is the problem. Witnesses seem to hear the word "unity" and never think for a second what that unity should be based on. Or, if they do think beyond "unified" to "unified in love for Jehovah", they have already made the decision that Jehovah only deals with people through the organization. The thought that Christians should be united in love (for one another, for everyone) is trumped by unified (mindless perhaps) loyalty to the org.

    It's kind of a unity catch-22; The org says what love means---The org is Jehovahs only human channel---We all believe that---therefore---We are United in Love!!!

    As a great blues man sings, "Thats not love, love don't feel that way. I dont know what it is, but thats not love"

  • RedhorseWoman

    The unity of the active JW is not true unity....it is conformity and herd mentality.

    IMO, the unity that we have all found as ex-JW's is a unity that is solid and real. We all have different ideas and opinions, we all feel free to speak our minds....and yet we are bound together through common experiences and genuine respect.

    It's better the second time around.

  • JAVA
    It's better the second time around.

    Was it Kahlil Gibran who said, "we return and know it for the first time"? The unity we've discovered is light years from the "catch-22" unity of the Tower. Thanks Red & Six for the insightful comments.

    JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • joel

    Sooo true!

    Some of us call the WTBTS the BOrg...cuz we were all part of the collective.
    We were all assimilated into the "mind" of the BOrg by us all reading and studyin' the same information...over and over again. So we ARE able to, in a sense then read each others minds!
    What makes ex's superior in our abilities to see this fact, over our once brethren...is that we have unteathered ourself from "mother" BOrg to see all things as they truely are now!

    Pax to ya my fellow once assimilated ones,

  • trevor


    " We shall have reached the end of our travels when we arrive at the point from which we started and for the first time see it as it really is."

    I think there is a common point in all things which is truth. When we look for the truth honestly and with an open mind, ready to accept our findings, whaterver they are, then we come to that same place.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I said this very thing on another thread to Happy to be Free. It is so true. It seems almost every time someone posts their story, with the exception of the personal circumstances, I could have posted those very feelings.
    I very much agree with all the comments here. And like RHW, this group here (and probably pretty much any group we would become involved with of the ex JW mind) is real.
    IMHO, the incident with Patricia made it very clear how loving and supportive this group is. Unconditionally. I have been impressed by the loving and truly compassionate attitude shown here.
    I just can't say enough about how much it has meant to me and no doubt all the others here.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    p.s. Java

    Was it Kahlil Gibran who said, "we return and know it for the first time"?

    Sounds like from his book The Prophet.

  • JAVA
    Sounds like from his book The Prophet.

    TW: The Prophet by Gibran is a great read. I often think about some of the little gems that's scattered thoughout the pages. I might not remember where they were, but I think of them all the same.

    "Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.'" p. 55

    JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

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